Introducing the VivrePool [VKP]

Dear Cardano Community,

we, the team of Vivrekado, would like to participate with our pool in the further development of the Cardano network. This is reflected in our name, Vivrekado, which is made up of the French word for life (Vivre) and the Japanese word Kado (card). We want to express that the Cardano network depends on the participation of other actors, as does our project. Our project, like that of the entire network, depends on the participation of others. If the network ceases to exist, so does our project.

We, the team behind the VivrePool project, have been involved with cryptocurrencies and related blockchains for several years and see the greatest potential in the Cardano network. As we are convinced of Cardano and its users, we would now like to contribute to the performance and stability of the network with our stakepool.

Our fees are designed in such a way that we cover the costs arising from our stakingpool without enriching ourselves through it. At the same time, we would like to use the experience we have gained to make our own contribution to expanding the functionality of the Cardano network. The second step is to develop further functionalities and make them available to Cardano users.

According to our self-conception, we refuse to make our ADA’s available to the large pool operators, since they are subject to a profit motive and do not have the advancement of the network in mind as a priority. Here we renounce the staking with the big operators, even if it leads to the fact that we are exposed to the danger of not receiving any rewards. Since we believe in the self-image of the community, we would be happy if you delegate your ADA’s to our pool and participate in the advancement of the network.

Ticker: [VKP]
ID: 8a56a8108060daf31cb7c121660a2d26c02d1bac06aba32904f17e0d
Pledge: 100 ₳
Variable cost: 3%
Fixed cost: 340 ₳ (minimum)

Adapools: [VKP] VivrePool | Cardano Staking

:+1: Keep it up!

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