Is there any way to get my wallet privatekey, and generate transaction by privatekey just like bitcoin

Is there any way to get my wallet privatekey, and generate transaction by privatekey just like bitcoin.

not at the moment

i create my privatekey and address by lib bip39.someone send some ADA to my address .then it means i can’t use it

i am a developer. i want manager my HDwallet in my computer out of line. generate transcation by input address privatekey signatured. then send txhash to node on line.

If you manage to get the mnemonics for that private key - you can try restoring that wallet in the Daedalus.

So you basically want to implement your own simple client. You can find the reference implementation here: GitHub - input-output-hk/cardano-sl: Cryptographic currency implementing Ouroboros PoS protocol

And some documentation here:

Can you provide more details on this?

More precisely, how can I broadcast a raw transaction to the network?