ITN Reward Redemption with just private key and not recovery phrase

try “cabal clean” and then “cabal update” to see if that helps

you will need cabal version, otherwise you may be better off spinning up under a different distribution like Ubuntu

try “cabal clean” and then “cabal update” to see if that helps

Did not work.

you will need cabal version, otherwise you may be better off spinning up under a different distribution like Ubuntu

I’m not going to install a new distribution just to get the rewards. I find this incredibly that this was not worked out in a smooth way, and this is become so complex, when obviously many pool leaders on ITN created their keys with Jormungandr, and there never has been any warning not do that.

Thanks a lot for trying to help anyway! :slight_smile:

Cabal 3 for linux can be downloaded here:

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Yes you can!

tx-in is a utxo of a payment address on the command line that will be paying for the transaction

the first tx-out is the address corresponding to the tx-in utxo and specifies the amount remaining in the address after the transaction

the second tx-out would be your external wallet address and specifies the amount remaining (existing + new lovelaces) in that address after the transaction:

–tx-in [utxo of payment.addr for tx]#[TxIx] /

–tx-out $(cat payment.addr)+[total lovelaces remaining in cli payment address after transaction] /

–tx-out $(cat wallet.addr)+[total lovelaces remaining in Daedalus address after transaction] /

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My pleasure!

:facepunch: :frog:

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I just started to try this and for any future viewers, the first time “convert-itn-extended-key” appears in the Parsers.hs is 1.19.0

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Your solution does not seem to work for address generated with

./ account

Like in this post.

Account, address format is not recognized.

I’m very upset that no simple solution is given to this. We have been promised rewards, but actually getting them is more costly in terms of time than the rewards is worse itself.

Just to mention that now cardano-node builds are available for linux:

And instruction to fetch rewards are available here:

  1. (don’t forget to run cardano-node and wait for the whole blockchain to be downloaded: 9. Start your nodes — cardano-node Documentation 1.0.0 documentation )

  2. Redeeming rewards from ITN with private/public keys – IOHK Support

  3. 10. Withdrawing rewards — cardano-node Documentation 1.0.0 documentation

It is still not exactly trivial, but it makes things way easier.