Recovering Testnet Rewards without Recovery Phrase. I have the Spending PW

So I have somehow lost my seed phrase from my testnet wallet, first time ever. Anyway, I am trying to recover the rewards out of the testnet wallet and I see this instruction-

"If you remember your recovery phrase, you can claim your ITN rewards inside the mainnet Yoroi through its “transfer/claim” page
If you do not remember your recovery phrase, but you remember your spending password,*
Copy the private key below and enter it into the mainnet Yoroi extension through its “transfer/claim” page
*Then enter your ITN wallet’s spending password as the “decryption password”

I have the spending password. But I cant see anywhere in the Claim/Transfer section to type the Private Key. I only see the other ways to do the process. What am I missing?

Many thanks

I think thats what you are looking for :


Hi thanks Fabian, but no sadly, that’s not quite what I need. That is the new wallet I can do that with. The one I am talking about is the old Byron Test Net one that has the Testnet rewards in it.

Somehow I need to find how to type the Private Key in somewhere, as described in these instructions-

If you do not remember your recovery phrase, but you remember your spending password,*
Copy the private key below and enter it into the mainnet Yoroi extension through its “transfer/claim” page

I just cant see where to type that.

Not exactly sure what you mean but if you want to use the claim function on Yoroi → image

Its on the left side.

But im pretty sure that you would need your seed and not your private key.


I think that guide will help you out :

So I worked it out. I wasn’t looking at the correct wallet to claim from. I thought it was a Byron Wallet but was a Shelley one. IN the Shelley one I could type my Private Key which was provided via the old wallet in Chrome. It cane through and all I needed was my new spending password to finalise.

All done. It was a very small amount but its done, nonetheless! Thanks for hearing me out!

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Glad you were able to claim your rewards, every ADA counts :sunglasses:


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