[Kumpulan Link/Shortcut Links] Fundamental Cardano / Cardano Fundamentals

Dipublikasikan pada tanggal 01 Aug 2022 (published on Aug 01, 2022)
Ditulis oleh andre cahyadi - @prosperaan (written by andre cahyadi - @prosperaan)
Untuk komunitas Cardano Indonesia (for Cardano Indonesia community)

Halo teman - teman semua! (Hello folks!)

Melihat perkembangan Cardano yang sudah semakin jauh saat ini (era Basho) ditambah dengan Vasil Hard Fork yang akan dijalankan dalam beberapa waktu ke depan, saya ingin merangkum beberapa thread yang sudah saya buat sebagai bahan pembelajaran fundamental bagi teman - teman agar dapat memahami cara dan prinsip kerja Cardano secara lebih mendalam. Rangkuman ini juga ditujukan bagi teman - teman yang baru bergabung dan ingin belajar mengenai Cardano.

(I’d like to summarize some threads that I’ve written as fundamental learning materials for you guys to understand the methods and principles in relation to the development of Cardano, which has advanced further (the Basho era), as well as the Vasil Hard Fork, which will be carried out in the near future. This summary is also intended for people who have just joined and want to learn about Cardano.)

Pengembangan / Development

  1. Menggabungkan Formal Method dan Agile Development dalam Membangun Cardano / Combining Formal Methods and Agile Development in Building Cardano
    Menggabungkan Formal Method dan Agile Development dalam Membangun Cardano
  2. Roadmap Cardano / Cardano Roadmap
    Roadmap Cardano
  3. Software - Software yang menjalankan Cardano / All Software that runs Cardano
    Software - Software yang menjalankan Cardano (Teknikal)
  4. IOHK Bergabung dengan Hyperledger / IOHK Joined Hyperledger
    IOHK Bergabung dengan Hyperledger

Staking / Staking

  1. Serba - Serbi Staking ADA / All About ADA Staking
    Serba Serbi Staking ADA
  2. Konsep Stake Pool di Cardano / Stake Pool concept in Cardano
    Konsep Stake Pool di Cardano
  3. Stake Pool & Sybil Attack / Stake Pool & Sybil Attack
    Stake Pool & Sybil Attack

Proof of Stake / Proof of Stake

  1. Ouroboros dalam Proof of Stake (PoS) Cardano / Ouroboros in Cardano Proof of Stake (PoS)
    Ouroboros dalam Proof of Stake (PoS) Cardano
  2. Ouroboros Hydra - Penjelasan Detail / Ouroboros Hydra - Detailed Explanation
    Ouroboros Hydra - Penjelasan Detail

Transaksi / Transactions

  1. UTXO vs Account Balance vs EUTXO / UTXO vs Account Balance vs EUTXO
    UTXO vs Account/Balance vs EUTXO
  2. Transaction Fee di Cardano / Transaction Fee in Cardano
    Transaction Fee di Cardano

Parameter - Parameter / Parameters

  1. Parameter - Parameter Blockchain di Cardano / Cardano Blockchain Parameters
    Parameter – Parameter Blockchain di Cardano
  2. Stake Pool, Transaction Fee, Reserve, Rewards, Treasury, Pledge / Stake Pool, Transaction Fee, Reserve, Rewards, Treasury, Pledge
    Stake Pool, Transaction Fee, Reserve, Rewards, Treasury, Pledge

Plutus / Plutus

  1. Segala Sesuatu tentang Plutus / Everything about Plutus
    Segala Sesuatu tentang Plutus
  2. Reference Inputs & Scripts (Komponen Skalabilitas) / Reference Inputs & Scripts (Scalability Components)
    Reference Inputs & Scripts (Komponen Skalabilitas)

Era Basho / Basho Era

  1. Pipelining (Komponen Skalabilitas) / Pipelining (Scalability Component)
    Pipelining (Komponen Skalabilitas)

Stablecoins & Stablefees / Stablecoins & Stablefees

  1. Djed - stablecoins and decentralized reserve system / Djed - stablecoins and decentralized reserve system
    Djed – stablecoins and decentralized reserve system
  2. Babel Fees & Stablefees / Babel Fees & Stablefees
    Babel Fees & Stablefees
  3. Transaction Tiered Pricing / Transaction Tiered Pricing
    Transaction Tiered Pricing