Leader blocks not minted at 3 occasions: error or just bad luck?

Hi tomdx
the command; “journalctl -e -f -u cnode.service” gives no information as far as I can see:

The “timedatectl” gives:

Hi, how do I check “missing blocks count”?

What is the glive output? Can u share it?

The slot was stolen due to a battle


./cncli.sh sync
./cncli.sh leaderlog force

Sorry meant mixing slots earlier

If you use Prometheus
curl localhost:12798/metrics

And you shall see amongst others

The Glive looks like this:
…and the leaderlog force:


ok, do you mean this?:

Man, u minted the block… why this thread?


Oh :grinning:
I did not realize that


LOL that should have been the first step :smiley:

Even though you minted the block, still keep a close eye on the missing slots count.

Thanks for advice. What would be a normal/acceptable missing slots count?

I think I read somewhere in the forum a couple of slots missed per day is acceptable!

Fortunately, I have zero during the epochs and only get some when epochs switch.

Hi all - I was having a similar problem and it was driving me insane. So I ended up contacting Andrew (creator of CNCLI) directly to figure things out. It was weird as the expected block count was correct, but the schedule was basically wrong and therefore blocks were showing as missed. Ultimately the schedule was wrong for some undetermined reason… the script somehow was calculating an incorrect nonce. SO. basically - I was asked to run CNCLI the ‘snapshot’ method. Whilst this is fiddly, it does allow you to calculate / download a new leaderlog DB. cncli/USAGE.md at develop · AndrewWestberg/cncli · GitHub

I noticed the nonce on the new one was different, and then I deleted the existing leaderlog db, and reran the sync. This corrected the schedule for me, and now the schedule is reflecting the correct block mint times. It’s definitely worth trying this approach.