Today I decided to do an experiment and learn Haskell in three weeks. I have about 4 hours a day and I’m curious at what point I’ll get at the end.
My experience in functional programming is almost non-existent except for lambda expressions in java where I am certified by oracle as a java developer.
So let’s get started!
Day 0/21
First impression: Run or fight. I decided to fight.
Hi, Thom,
IMO each developer appreciates a course according to his programming and experience level, but I think in this case it’s not very important what you start with, but especially to start with something and keep going!. In my case, after few hours of research, I start with this one:
There are a lot of good resources like this reedit post:
Day 2/21
Typing in console make me feeling like 1994 when I discovered MS-DOS 6.22
There are not loops at all! the only way to handle with repetitions are recursion
s f g x = f x (g x)
k x y = x
b f g x = f (g x)
c f g x = f x g
y f = f (y f)
cond p f g x = if p x then f x else g x
fac = y (b (cond ((==) 0) (k 1)) (b (s (*)) (c b pred)))
Day 5/21
To start with baby steps is the only way,
Even if you stay a week for a chapter, after a while it becomes accessible.
So my most important advice is to start it slow, slow, very slow. no pressure, no constraints.
Don’t move on to the next chapter until you understand 100% the current one.
My goal is to be able to take part in Lars Brünjes’ lessons from the Plutus Pioneer Program at the end of these 3 weeks.
I’m glad to hear that. If you have any questions maybe I can help you because I’m already a week ahead
So far I can boast that I have already made small but important progress so I will complete these three weeks in any case to find out what it is about.
It will make you understand Haskell better. For fast results, directly learning and implementing is good, but after that, you’ll want to add depth to your understanding.