Hi - it seems that Ledger Nano X does not work with Yoroi now. I am not able to send ADA to different wallet now. does anyone have this issue ? Thanks
They are upgrading, as its new addressing they have to go off line for about a week @djdeezo
Presumably you’re using Yoroi Mobile? It should still work in the Yoroi Extension up to the 29th
I know that we wont be able to access our ADA for about a week or so via Yoroi with Ledger, but lots of people just wanna know that the coins are safe and it will be ok to leave them during the update process. I know the video says so, but some people need to hear it in simple terms. Maybe you can confirm that it is ok to just leave everything on Yoroi/ledger and people just need to chill for a few days until the update it over?
Yes, it’s okay to just hold and wait it out. Nothing will happen to your ADA
can you explain why i cant get past this? i am using the browser wallet and im not understanding why i cant get past this part. its says awating commands and nothing happens. i have had these on my legder since the bryon era i guess you call it. they been on it over a year and i didnt get a code for my ledger when i sent them over
Try updating your ledger via ledger live.
I have a Ledger Nano X and a Nano S. I have Ledger Live and I do have wallet or APP installed on my Ledger X device. I am using my Nano X as primary device. Do I need to go through YOROI as a go between for device and exchange? Also I believe YOROI site only states Nano S device as what to use. There was discussion on this site or the second choice offered Adalite about using a Google Chrome extension to store your keys on your computer. I am looking for best option for cold storage/security.
The popup is a bug with Windows. You have to ignore the popup (don’t interact with it or close it)
Advise please. I just replaced my hard drive and downloaded Yoroi again. When I click ’ Connect to hardware,it only gives me the Trezor option. I’m using ledger nano x. I can’t connect yoroi with my nano x,or see my Ada balance. What should I try. Thanks
This has been answered in another thread. Please don’t duplicate questions, it wastes people’s time.