Linkberry Tokens

Hi ADA fans.
I have a yoroi/ledger ext. Wallet. I recieved a transaction out of the blue for 1.16 ada. Which is locked in my deposit box. When I look in my portfolio, there is a link to 2600 linkberry tokens. Have any of you heard of them or recieved the same? Im afraid to click on it in case it’s a scam. If so how was it deposited into my wallet, without premission? And how do I get rid of it if it is a scam? Any thoughts/ help greatly appreciated.

Most likely scam.

They can’t do anything if you just click on them inside the wallet app. How they work is that there is a link to an external website in them. You’d have to click on that link, allow that website to connect to your wallet, click on the fraudulent “claim something” button on that website, and then also sign the transaction sending your stuff away. A lot of people did it, anyway, when those were new.

Nobody needs a permission to send something to you as you also don’t need permission to send something.

You don’t really need to. If you want, maybe wait until there are a few more. That way you can keep part of the ADA if you sent them away together.

If you want to send them away, you could just sent them to a “burn” address. There are a few, for example $burnit which is an account used by Eternl to test operation with a large number of tokens.

Or you use which is a dApp where you connect your wallet choose which tokens you want to get rid of and they build a transaction taking the token and giving you back a larger part of the ADA that were bound to them.


Thanks for the feedback, Much appreciated.

Good feedback Sean

Same for my ledger/yoroi.
+1.16801 ADA

+2,800 [LinkBerry]