Live stake shows normal vs Active stake shows none, expected block becomes none after HF

Dear sir
My pool showed both live stake value and active stake value(it’s not sure) and also expected blocks(it’s sure) in before modifying extended.json on 11 September right before HF.
More precisely I registered the pool during epoch 289. I modified "extended json on 11 September, 6-hours before HardFork.
After HF(epoch290) there are no active stake value and no expected blocks in live stake shows)
I tested the pool by - Cardano stake pool checker and all are normal.
This is my first trial on pool operation but no expected block…I am so nervous for the delegators…
Would Someone explain to me on this situation, that will be helpful to me…

(It might be normal when seeing the explanation "Pool not showing correctly - #10 by Alexd1985, [Live stake means the ADA delegated after the snapshot… and it will be added to Active Stake in epoch N+2] by Alex)