Hi, After coming across a variety of inconsistent videos on the subject, I am looking for final word on how to handle the Post Shelley upgrade and re-access my ADA on a Ledger nano X-Yoroi wallet combination!
It seems there might be a Ledger Nano X “cardano app” update necessary and I am quite unsure as to the procedure I’ll have to follow to bring my yoroi onto the new Blockchain (?)
Any actual definitive instructions would be MOST welcomed
Thank you in advance.
Best wishes.
The Ledger Cardano firmware app that supports Shelley is already out. I expect that Yoroi support is not too far away, maybe within a week.
The AdaLite app has full Shelley support, including cold stake delegation, that you can use right now:
Thank you, yes indeed, the Adalite seems ok - but strangely IOHK nor Cardano seem to affiliate with Adalite very much, and , aside from Daedalus , seem to only support the Yoroi wallet, so I’m tempted to wait a little longer since staking and other ongoing operations may get confused by a change of wallet …or at the very least I may get confused
All things being relative, I am very surprised tat Emurgo has not yet managed that update, I must admit.
Best wishes.
It can be confusing but if you use a Ledger you will see the same information once Yoroi is supported if you use adalite. For those that don’t know, adalite was made by Vacuum Labs, the company IOHK paid to make the Cardano App in Ledger so they know what they are doing.
Those are the wallets produced in-house, that’s all. Third party wallets, like exchanges, should be perfectly reliable in most cases (but not all).
Thank you RobJF and Zaytion, indeed, glad to learn that Adalite is published by a Cardano linked company , and I’m using it now. My reason for trying to remain fairly reassured with some perceived social connection to Cardano, is that since I am not a coder nor hyper comfortable nor familiar with some of the operations, I want to minimize my perception of operational risk - mostly in this transitional update times
I will move to Daedalus as soon as I have a more up to date system.
All the best.