Lost 220 thousand ADA because of a YouTube video

Up until today, i would have thought to myself “you deserved what you got for being that stupid”…

I got into crypto like 10 days ago, and it was awesome. And today while browsing YT i came across the exact same thing you did, with a countdown timer and Charles talking about something, and, just like that, my greed just took over. Tunnel vision, thats what it was. I literally sold everything in my portfolio so that i could send ADA in time, thinking it would be worth it LOL. And i sent like 2100 ADA. And then it started to kick in. The stupidity of what i’ve done. In an instant i was aware that it was a scam and everyone with half a brain could see it was a scam… Apparently my brain just turned off for those 30 mins.

Anyways, i lost SO much less than you, even tho it was literally all i had, but i completely understand how you feel and that it can happen to anyone. You just think it will never happen to you.

Best wishes to you, i hope you are successful in recovering your money. If you are, let us know how.