Lost my 12 words recovery phrase

yoroi has 15 words not 12… 12 had daedalus byron wallets… but what is your issue? Can’t access the funds from yoroi?


My computer’s hard disk died, so I lost my Yoro wallet, with quite a lot of staked ADA in it. I figured no problem, I’ll restore it. Yes, but I have 12 words, not 15.
And it’s not because I left it out or misspelled it, it’s because YOROI really only gave me 12 words.
The 12-word version is supposed to be Byron-era, but I had the ADA staggered and that’s only possible in Shelley. So the Apple Store had a version that was 12 words, but Shelley era?
I never had a Daedalus wallet before.

I tried to restore it with the only possible 12-word version, which Daedalus gives me, but the wallet is completely empty. Adalite also shows it as empty.
Thanks for your help.

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do you have a HW wallet like trezor or ledger or it is a simple/standar wallet?
There is no version of yoroi which has 12 words… yoroi for byron or shelley era has always 15 words

That’s really, really not possible. Last time someone claimed to only have gotten 12 words from Yoroi, I even dived into the code: Yoroi 12-word seed (again!) - #4 by HeptaSean

They had 15 words hard-coded forever. No possibility that they gave out 12-word phrases.

If you never used Daedalus, then maybe some wallet for a different cryptocurrency? The Bitcoiners tend to use 12-word phrases. Is there any possibility that you mixed up the seed phrases of Yoroi and another wallet app?

Thank you very much for your help. You were right, it’s another wallet’s phrases … I was stupid

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