Unable to see my wallet 12 words

from yesterday i cant see my wallet, now i have only my 12 words to recover my wallet and they are asking me for 15 words…

You might want to restore your wallet via adalite.io.

Hi @Henry_Davila,

No worries. 12 words recovery phrase is created by the daedalus wallet and refers to a Byron ara wallet.
You have 2 options here:

  1. install daedalus full node wallet (it downloads the whole blockchain) and restore your wallet and select byron wallet to use your 12 word recovery phrase
  2. go to adalite.io and restore your wallet there and just select the 12 word option.

If you want to stake your ada (which of course you want :smiley: ) you must have a shelly wallet (new current ara). To do this create a new shelly wallet and carefully store the 24 words. now transfer a small amount from your recovered byron wallet to your new shelly wallet. If this works send the rest and then you can also stake your ada.

In case you would like some more information about staking:
Staking blogs

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i did try daelus and doesn’t show my balance, adalite.io neither how this is posible?! yesterday it was all fine in my cell phone app. Please Help !!!

Ah if you used Yoroi Mobile you probably have to restore your wallet in Yoroi Mobile aswell.

i try but they are asking me for 15 words and i only have 12 words…

The only wallet that uses a 12 words recovery phrase is daedalus, Byron. So you must have initially created a daedalus byron wallet and sent your initial ada to that wallet.

Then you have created a yoroi mobile wallet. Right? When you did this you created a new wallet with a 15 words recovery phrase. I think you then have sent your ada from byron-daedalus to your mobile-yoroi. Correct?

You can confirm this if you restore your byron wallet in daedalus or adalite and go to transactions. you should see transactions even if your balance is zero.

If these assumptions are right your ada is no longer in your byron wallet but moved to your yoroi wallet. When you created your yoroi wallet you MUST have written or screen shotted your yoroi 15 words recovery phrase. Think hard. you must have those somewhere. maybe saved it in your phone images?

Let us know if anything as stated above is incorrect so we can try to help you further.

no when i create the account was from the phone, Yoroi app with 12 words, then yesterday despair, there is nothing in transactions like if was a new wallet. y can restart the wallet with the words en Daelalus and adalite but doesnt show me any balance.

Ok so the only time you created a wallet was on yoroi app? And you have not deleted the app. it is still there? and you don’t see ANY transactions? they maybe there is a sync issue with yoroi. This happens some times.

But still using your recovery phrase on adalite.io you should see transactions.

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First of all, ur wallet was shelley or byron? Yoroi use only 15 seed words (byron or shelley)

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sorry was my fault i mixed the tags in mi book, put metamask <—> Yoroi was all my fault, thank you very much for the support.


I have the same problem, but so far without a happy ending.

I downloaded Yoroi app on my iPhone.

I have 12 words password.

I never made actualization or something with app.

I send there ADA from Coinbase and Binance and choose pool and start staking.
I was looking on it sometimest and nothing more.

I bought new iPhone and now I can´t log in because it want it 15 words.

I tried everything what we wrote here and after Daedalus instalation is wallet empty and on adalite.io too. Without history of transaction withnout everything.

My 12 word are copied for zero mistake chance.

How it is possible?

12 seed words it’s from byron wallet, you will neet a 24 seed words for shelley daedalus wallet or 15 seed words for yoroi shelley wallet.

Do you still have the old iphone?


now I know that it is byron wallet but it is without history and ADA.

Yes, I have but deleted. I tried got there od back up but stihl isn´t possible log in.

Restore your wallet via adalite.io and convert it to a shelley wallet.

Yes but u delegated… this means it is a shelley wallet so u will need to find the 24 seed words for the shelley wallet

If i restore my wallet on adalite.io is styll empty.

Now I have finished restore on Daedalus Mainnet for second on different PC and still nothing.

I am only once send ADA to wallet once choose pool a nothing more. I saw ADA on the same place in pool if I watch on cardanoscan.io… . no more trasfers, no more advanced. I have only 12 words and place where is my ADA and it isn´t connected.

If I shoud have more wallets or change pools or doing somethig with it, that would by possible make a mistake.

If you ever delegated and you are sure about this, then you MUST either have a 15 or a 24 word recovery phrase. Think hard. If you don’t find it you can’t access your ada.

The 12 words recovery phrase is a old Byron wallet. If you restore this and go to to see the transactions and this is fully empty then you never used this wallet.

Radim, I am having this same exact problem, I was using the daedalus wallet with my trezor. I had a 12 word recovery seed in my Trezor wallet, and I confirmed the recovery seed upon creation. I went to exchange some ada and kept getting an error message whenever I tried to connect my trezor wallet to my daedalus wallet, so it was recommended that I delete both wallets and recover them with the recovery seeds, when I did that the daedalus wallet and transactions returned, but not the trezor wallet transaction or balance. When I view the transaction on adalite.io I can see the balance still sitting where I deposited it, but my confirmed recovery seed wont give me access. I also copied and pasted it.

Have you made any headway resolving this issue?

you don’t need to write the trezor seed words on daedalus (the trezor seed words is only for restoring the trezor hardware wallet)
all you have to do is to pair the trezor to daedalud, yoroi or adalite.io
if you will see an empty wallet then try to deactivate the passphrase from trezor settings and pair it again… if still have an empty wallet then it means:

  • you used a passphrase when you created the trezor cardano wallet and now you must use it
  • you are using a wrong trezor device (in case u have more)
  • or maybe you restored the trezor with another seed words
  • or maybe the ADA were not secured by trezor (it was a simple daedalus wallet)