Each person that starts a Meetup group has different motivations for doing so, and each person joining that group also has different reasons for doing so.
I’m going to divide these into two groups. The first group is those who want to make it all about Cardano. These groups will be diving deeply into the minutia of the project itself. The people joining these types of Meetups obviously know about crypto and have done enough of their own research to have already invested in ADA, or are thinking about investing in ADA.
These Meetups will not significantly spread adoption of Cardano, as the people joining a “Cardano Meetup” will probably already be invested in ADA. It would be interesting to get some stats on what percentage of attendees of these types of Meetups already own ADA.
I’ve started a Meetup group of the second type. This group is geared toward spreading adoption within the general public. This is done by taking a big picture approach initially and then narrowing that focus to ADA. So I’m not advertising my group as a “Cardano Meetup”; I’ve titled it “The Evolution”, with the approach of first presenting the overall ideology of blockchain and how it’s better than the current financial system (I tend to get a bit passionate about how how fucked up it is). After the case is laid that crypto is the evolution of $, then it is pointed out that, in my opinion, ADA is the best (for all the reasons I can come up with) crypto in which to transcend out of the old systems into the new. It’s a soft sell with a good case.
So I’m suggesting that we have two types of Meetups. One is for people who want to delve into the project and one to foster adoption within the general public.