Metadata hash mismatch, now corrected. 24h passed. How long before stake pool is visible in Daedalus?

running stake pool on testnet shows this on getting mistmatch hash please help thanks in advance

Re-register your pool with correct hash. I would recommend next time to put link instead of printscreen.

thanks for your help i already have did this and it started working. My block producing node is not selected to produce node as i have ran it since 5 days and total ada stake is 2.5 k it is showing log "[ip-172-3:cardano.node.Forge:Info:398] [2022-01-17 09:32:52.00 UTC] fromList [(“val”,Object (fromList [(“kind”,String “TraceNodeNotLeader”),(“slot”,Number 4.8042756e7)])),(“credentials”,String “Cardano”)]
" is there is tip which help me to know to produce block further.

Hi! What is your ticker? To receive 1 block per epoch, you need around 1million stacked. So if you have 10k stacked, you will produce block 1 time per 100 epochs approximately.

To check when you will be selected by slot leader, please use CNCLI

Hi @darshil_05 , if this is about testnet, then you need probably to request a bit more tADA. Join official telegram group and ask there:

Ticker is
TEST and my stake pool name is CoinbetaCardano

Hi @darshil_05 , there are 30+ pools with such ticker, I would recommend to use something more original.

thanks for your help
I will change the ticker what else i have to do
and how many tada required to be staked in testnet to a pool

I believe 1M will be enough to create blocks each epoch

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thanks Alex i am planning to run stake pool on mainnet so if my block producing node fails or goes for downtime what should i do any backup plan ?? and which is the latest and better tutorial for mainnet

Cntools is user friendly

for step 2 replace 1.25.1 with 1.33.0 and DO NOT run the command

git pull origin master

for back up I will explain later