I’ve run into a weird situation and was wondering why this is happening. It seems that when using git.io to shorten the url for pool_metadata.json the resulting hash is recognised by adapools but not the Daedalus.
I ran the curl "https://smash.cardano-mainnet.iohk.io/api/v1/errors/ command and found that the hash did not match the one I submitted in the pool-registration cert. I then used wget to download the file from the shortened git.io site and rehashed it and it turned out to be different from the one I submitted.
My question is, if the hash is incorrect, why is the metadata showing on adapools. Second question is if I change to the one detected by SMASH, will the my pool still show up on adapools?
Any advice or thoughts would be appreciated as I would like to make sure I understand the correct procedure before I resubmit the certification again.
have you used the raw data url to shorten with git.io?
you should also test the following:
cardano-cli stake-pool metadata-hash --pool-metadata-file <(curl -s -L https://git.io/JtepM)
cardano-cli stake-pool metadata-hash --pool-metadata-file <(cat poolMetaData.json)
I believe so as I clicked on the raw button of the gist file and then copied the url for the raw json file and shortened it with git.io.
The two test you suggested match so it confirms that I submitted the wrong hash with the pool reg cert. So if the hash is wrong why is adapool able to retrieve the pool and metadata correctly?
So with match you mean the hashnumbers are the same?
next you can try is:
cardano-cli query ledger-state --mainnet --allegra-era --out-file ledger.json
open ledger.json with less for example and search your hash
you can find all your meta data there and see if everything is registerd good.