Missin ADA after restoring the wallet

Thanks, man :slight_smile: will try it and let you know how it goes. Since i can do the restore on 2 different computers it should take me only 64 days cca :slight_smile: way better then 3 years+

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Thanks, I managed to generate the mnemonics :slight_smile: I compared them to the list I made with bruteforcing and it is accurate (except it took me 1,5 hours and I came to C, so, yeah, can’t thank you enough). Have a great one!

Open a new topic. If you can - in english, please. Thank you.

So, I’ve tried this about 6 times, all 128 words return an empty wallet. Someone suggested that maybe I missed not the 12th word but, e.g., the 3rd. So, is it possible to rewrite the code that it finds the words for a different position. For example:

128, 2nd, 3rd, 4th…
1st, 128, 3rd, 4th…
1st, 2nd, 128, 4th…

Thanks for the reply in advance

Here comes the updated javascript, but it’s around 1.5K tries. I would use some cli to generate wallets and addresses instead.

var bip39 = require('bip39')

var wordlist = bip39.wordlists.EN

// Replace these words /w your saved eleven. 
var eleven = ['abandon', 'abandon', 'abandon', 'abandon', 'abandon', 'abandon', 'abandon', 'abandon', 'abandon', 'abandon', 'abandon', 'abandon']

eleven.forEach((mnemonic, index) => {
    let newTry = [...eleven]

    wordlist.forEach((word) => {

        newTry[index] = word

        var tryThis = newTry.join(' ')
        if (bip39.validateMnemonic(tryThis)) {
            console.log(`Found(${index}):  ${tryThis}`)

Sorry, not so tech savy on this topic. How does cli work and how would it be faster?

How does the updated script work? For the first one you entered all 11 words, how do you find phrases with this one? Replace the mnemonic and index parameters?

Uuugh, wait I will update as this uses 12 words, i will do it tomorrow as I am in the bed. Different logic required for your case. Anyway the final will give you ~1500 valid 12-word passphares you can try. But, If I were you I would log a ticket with IOHK, as they probably would be able to help, to create a script to generate 1500 legacy addresses from those mnemonics that you could compare with yours wallet address.

Yup, sounds ¨like a much more reasonable approach :slight_smile: But I will still need to generate the wallets and see which/if address matches? Thanks, sleep well!

Yes, but there are tools libraries to create wallet and create addresses very quickly instead of using Daedalus and wait till it’s syncing. You just need to retrieve an address which is same /w the one you know and see in the explorer, and that’s all, as you have found the wallet.
Assuming, you know the address where the ADA is stored.

Anyway, updated script.

var bip39 = require('bip39')

var wordlist = bip39.wordlists.EN

// Replace these words /w your saved eleven. 
var eleven = ['abandon', 'abandon', 'abandon', 'abandon', 'abandon', 'abandon', 'abandon', 'abandon', 'abandon', 'abandon', 'abandon']

for (var index=0; index<= eleven.length; index++) {
    wordlist.forEach((word) => {

        let newTry = [...eleven]
        newTry.splice(index, 0, word)

        var tryThis = newTry.join(' ')
        if (bip39.validateMnemonic(tryThis)) {
            console.log(`Found(${index}):  + ${tryThis}`)

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Thank you very much for the updated script. I also logged a ticket with IOHK, but their response so far has been somewhat meek.

Worst case scenario, I’ll try and brute force this on the Daedalus wallet. With adalite it’s fortunately quite faster. , so hopefully it’ll work.

Thank you again for the help

Ok, I created a detailed example for recovering your wallet.


I assume you would know what you are doing and also it requires you to have access to a Linux environment or macOS, but in that case the mac binary of the cardano-address needs to be downloaded.

Pls read it carefully, and never ever gave out that 11 words you have to anyone even to your mother.
So here comes the details and I wish the best luck with it:


Have you managed to find the wallet with the instructions above?

YESSSSSS :slight_smile: I only used the mnemonics-generating code part. Had to work out the node.js part first and then I just brute forced it. Found it on Adalite in cca 350th attempt (around 2.5 hours of trying) and than recovered it in Daedalus on my desktop. Thank you so much man!!! I’ve almost written it off altogether. Again, thanks for your help!!! :smiley:


Glad to hear that really.

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