I have a wallet, let’s call it “Wallet-1” with 100,000 ADA. I went to the Delegation Center and selected a stake pool. Okay, all good.
A Binance transfer limit expired, so I just moved more. So now the wallet has 150,000 ADA. When I look at the Delegation Center it shows my wallet with the new balance, and over to the right it says:
[undelegated ] [stkpoolname]
Do I have to redelegate, or will the total amount in the wallet automatically go to the stakepool?
(random epcoh numbers here just to illustrate)
If you deposit during Epoch 300, your delegation is effective as of the beginning of 301 (i.e., you’re earning rewards in 301, but not 300) and then distribution of said rewards in the epoch that follows 302. Sorry I can see how my previous comment is confusing.
Thank you for the clarification. I think the general take-away here is that the wallet and process flows are well-designed to maximize participation: if you are already staking a wallet, and you add more ADA tokens, those tokens will start earning at the earliest opportunity. Other than depositing the funds, no further action is required.
Thanx for answering this question!
Partly because I’ve had this question myself, but partly because I’ve delegated my stake to your pool! I’m glad to know you are active on the forum!
I have 10,000 ADA and I only delegate 9000 ADA to a stake pool. Will I lose rewards and deposit if I transfer the remaining 1,000 ADA to another wallet?
The way the Daedalus and Yoroi wallets work today is that delegation is a per wallet thing. So unless you have 9,000 in one wallet and 1,000 in another wallet then your original assumption that only 9,000 was actually delegated is incorrect. You indeed would have the whole 10,000 delegated, even if they arrived at different times… The wallet is delegated to a pool and anything that goes in it automatically delegates to that same pool, albeit at a delay (i.e., you won’t see rewards until a few epochs later based on any new amount added to a wallet)…
OK, with all that said, if you move 1K from a wallet that has 10K, then you simply start earning rewards on the remaining 9K starting the next epoch.
Regarding the deposit, you never “lose” the deposit because if you ever decide to stop delegating entirely, you can ask for that 2 ADA deposit back. Note that Daedalus doens’t have that feature yet so you’d have to ask for that deposit back from Yoroi (by restoring your wallet there).
If you move the 1000 to another wallet that has not done any delegation yet, then that wallet will also have to go through the 2 ADA deposit + 0.17 ADA fees to delegate.
So in short:
Wallet A has 10K ADA is earning rewards on 10KADA.
Wallet B has 0 ADA and is new and is not delegated anywhere.
You move 1K from wallet A to wallet B. Wallet A continues to earn rewards on 9K ADA starting next epoch (doesn’t affect rewards in current epoch). Subsequently now the 1K ADA in wallet B isn’t earning any rewards because wallet B isn’t delegating anywhere yet. You then chose to delegate ADA in wallet B and it starts accruing rewards starting the next epoch and you start seeing those rewards deposited in 2 epochs after that.
What you’re attempting to do may be multi-pool delegation. That feature is coming to Daedalus/Cardano etc… probably in Q4 this year. IOHK prioritized getting smart contracts done in time and put this feature on the back burner for now but it is something that can be done… just not yet.