Ive edited the Topology files, updater and json.
My BP shows 0 Incoming and P2P Disabled on both relay and BP.
What am I missing?
nodes are synced? If yes then check ufw (firewall rules)
from BP
telnet Relay IP cnode_port
from Relay
telnet BP_IP cnode_port
custom peers should be uncommented (delete # )
Nodes are synced
I have removed the # in front of custom peers line and put relay IP and vice versa on the relay.
To Action From
– ------ ----
[ 1] xxxx ALLOW IN Anywhere
[ 2] 6000/tcp ALLOW IN Anywhere
[ 3] 6000/tcp ALLOW IN
[ 4] xxxx/tcp ALLOW IN
On relays, inside topologyUpdater.sh script to custom peers, you will need to add the BP IP, cnode_port;
On BP u should not use topologyUpdater and add the Relays IPs inside topology.json file
The relay topology updater.sh is uncommented and has the BP IP and cnode port
Ive re-commented the topolgy updater on BP
The relay is the only outgoing peer and the topology.json only has the Relay info (on the bp)
The nodes are synced and the BP is running as core.
I just cant get any incoming on the BP and p2p keeps showing disabled on BP and relay
Whats the output of the commands? Do u see connected?
I figured it out.
I restarted the Nodes as a system service. This way it told the relay to look to the topology updater.
Thanks for the help @Alexd1985
Ahh… of course u needed to restart the nodes
hey Alex, hope all is well…
I updated one of two relays to P2P, P2P seems to work well. No firewall changes.
BP is showing outgoing to this P2PRelay, but NO INCOMING.
2nd Relay works fine on BP incoming and outgoing.
I checke topologyUpdater with BP and port… it seems correct. just not sure what else i missed.
If u not seeing the Relay as IN peer on BP then its something related with Relay topology file… check if u wrote the right BP IP and Port
and also check after relay cnode restart if the topology file was rewrote by topology updater script
hey, thanks for response.
P2P Relay is showing BP as custom_peer in gLiveView.
BP is seeing P2P Relay on outgoing, just not incoming.
(nothing was changed with firewall, simply upgraded node, and enabled P2P on 1/2 local relays.)
both nodes have been systemctl resart.
BP IP and port seems to be correct in topo.
P2P relay is very active and has tonnes of new peers.