My delegated ADA was sent to this wallet and it keeps getting bigger...Is this a Stake Pool Wallet?

I’m sure the community would love more details about how this is being addressed if you can share.
Stay safe everybody!

PS - I am in complete agreement with the folks explaining there is no issue with the BIP-39 protocol (open to learn otherwise, which would require some serious proof), but perhaps there is another issue at play here.

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Some feedback from the team:

We are attaching transaction tracing performed by our cyber-security team.

We are highlighting an address that we suspect (with 100% certainty) belongs to an exchange. this means that the address before that could be the address of the perpetrators at such exchange. Unfortunately we have not been able to identify to which exchange this address belongs to.

Either or neither nor… BI -39 is safe as houses …but your ADA not:-), just sad that it is so easy to get away with this and NOTHING you can do about it.

School fees payed, lesson learned. Have a great day everyone, take care and be safe.

I’m still getting rewards from staking even my ADA was already stolen and only 1.1 ADA left. I’ve earned 8 ADA already. Is this normal? Any thoughts anyone?

The reward payment is like abit delayed. You still get rewards for 2 epochs after you cleaned your wallet.

Look at the data - way over 2 epochs later…