Please help me, someone stolen last day my all ADA 3304.144. Which I have staked with CCV4 pool at Yoroi wallet. Kindly help me to get back my Assets.
Scammer made two transactions
ID# 3303 ADA
Second ID# 1.44 ADA
Please help me its all I have.
There nothing anyone can do if the transactions have been confirmed by the network.
Id recommand you to report that case to your locak authorities.
Thanks zyroxa for reply, it should be yoroi responsible for such transactions… I have also email to their support team but there is no response still. Can you please guide what else I can do?
sadly there is nothing you or anyone can do in this case. Your funds are gone and theres no way that you can get them back.
What exactly local authorities will do?
I have a question. Did anyone have access to your wallet? How? Do you have a complex password? 2-fact auth?
Local authorities in most cases probably can do little, but if it is not reported they can do nothing. If one believes that authorities should be responsible for prosecuting offences, one should report offences.
There were some rare cases, where authorities could seize money at the exchanges, when criminals tried to cash out.
I don’t know where you live. But in the UK our local authorities are absolutely useless.
You didn’t use a hardware wallet, did you? It would be intersting if you could figure out how your ada was stolen. It is possible that malware managed to snoop on the phrases. Or maybe you had these phrases in a jpg on your computer?