Is it a simple yoroi wallet?
Yes with ledger.
Then if ur ADA are secured by ledger u can connect the ledger on and perform transactions from there (it seems yoroi still has issues)
Thanks Alex !!!
I installed the Yoroi wallet on my Notebook and transferred my ADA from Binance. After I added them all to the Meld token pool. Then I uninstalled the wallet because I didn’t have it open on my Note. When reinstalling the wallet, the balance appears to be zeroed, all transactions also cleared. I did the same operation four times from yesterday to today and the balance remains zero and the transactions also remain zero, as if the portfolio had never had a deposit. I need help solving this problem.
Do u see any transaction history?
Is it a simple wallet? Did u used the right 15 seed words for yoroi?
Yes, I used all 15 words. I have them written down in a notebook. I can access the wallet, but nothing appears. The wallet is empty, as if I made it at that moment. I sent it from Binance to Yoroi and then put it in Meld’s pool. But nothing appears. I need help to resolve this. I have already sent a message to Yoroi support via email, but they have not responded. I need Yoroi support to know what’s going on, where are my ADAs.
ok, no trezor or ledger… if u copy one address from yoroi to do u see the balance there? If not, then u must have another seed words (15 or maybe 24 if u used before daedalus and then u imported on yoroi)
I installed Daedalus a few weeks ago, but I didn’t sync with the Yoroi wallet. Could it be possible for them to sync without my prompting? As for the query to, I did, it shows the two operations I did in the portfolio, the total that is in a Meld pool. But I don’t have pool access when I access the wallet. I wanted to get out of the pool. Right now I’m more relaxed, but when will I be able to access my ADA?
So, if on yoroi u see 0 balance but if u check one address from the wallet on and the balance is ok then perhaps u have issue with yoroi synchronization … try to refresh the wallet (for desktop wallet go to settings → re-sync)
I’ve redone the process 4 times, but nothing changed. It remains empty.
I uninstalled and reinstalled the wallet one more time, but nothing changes. I need help from someone from Yoroi so I can redeem my ADA. I see on the the operation, where they were allocated, but I don’t want to rely on this information, I need to be able to withdraw my ADA and make sure everything is fine. This is not normal, it makes me anxious and worried. The company has to be more committed to the customers who use its product. Please, if you have a way to refer me to a more specialized service, I would appreciate it, as it’s already been two days and nothing has changed.
Try to restore the wallet on and check if u see the right balance
Okay. But if I do that I won’t have a problem with the Yoroi wallet? I don’t have an Adalite wallet. I can my words to try to restore my wallet?
Yes, go to and restore the wallet using the 15 seed words from yoroi
I joined What appears to me when I go into staking and what is missing to confirm. But the information is not clear. I cannot see the transfer I made from Binance. When I look through the cardanoscan it also shows the information that is active, the amount of ADAs, and the pool they are in, but I can’t see that in the adalite. I can’t understand what’s going on, I remade the whole process of installing the Yoroi wallet again. I reinstalled the wallet, did the resynchronization, but it’s still reset to the Yoroi wallet. It’s extremely complicated as they are part of my savings and I’m stressed out by all of this.
then it means you are using a wrong seed words…
I am using the right words. I just created a portfolio. After creating the wallet I wrote down the keywords, there are no other Yoroi wallets that I have created. How is it possible for me to see the information on cardanoscan and not be able to see it on adalite? There is an error somewhere, as I see the amount of ADA I transferred, the two trades I made within the portfolio, and where my ADA was allocated.
Good afternoon, I managed to resolve. But I greatly appreciate your help.
What was the issue?