Saline09 had a great idea of procuring coins that are involved with IOHK as longer term investments. To try and track how well that strategy works (or doesn’t work), I’ve created a mythical IOCoin that holds a weighted basket of IOHK related coins.
And for fun, I’ll post that with current pricing and we can track it every three months or so and see how this concept fares.
I like this idea @MegaWind and will probably do the same. Is HitBTC the only exchange that offers Storm currently? I didn’t see a list of Exchanges on their website.
Thanks for the info ReisBaron.
I think HitBTC has much better pricing than Bancor.
Example as of tonight:
Storm on HitBTC = .0979 (BTC->Storm)
Bancor = .102948 (ETH->Storm)
Looking at getting more STORM, also ZEN, but they’re both well up over the last 24 hours, any opinions on whether it’s worth putting it off for a day or three, or should I go for it now?
Hi Siddarth,
I’m still watching this index.
Of the satellite coins, ZenCash has held up the best in the latest coin downturn…so I would consider over-allocating to that within the broader index.
Maybe I’ll ico a “CharlesCoin” or IOCoin lol when Cardano supports sidechains and each coin will hold the underlying coins as a portfolio
Let’s check back in another two months and hope things look brighter! Glad I didn’t start it as an actual index coin or I’d have a lot of unhappy investors atm. That probably means now is a great time to do it with real funds
Now would not be a bad time to begin using real funds, I would think that the next 10 days have some recession but would not reflect a negative if you were to update in 2 months,