I have created 4 tokens with artwork and high-level whitepapers. I have been holding onto them for several months because I felt (1) Ethereum is slow and overcrowded (2) EC20 and other standards don’t meet my requirements. All of the tokens are independent, but some of them can work together.
I am a developer with 20 years of experience, most of which are Microsoft-centric (.net) I’m proficient in Javascript, Typescript, and other JS frameworks. I’ve played around with Solidity and I’m not a huge fan,
At any rate. I love Cardano. I have a sizeable investment in ADA, but I would like to be involved on a developer-centric entrepreneurial level. I’m open to collaboration, but I’m also a bit anxious about having my ideas “stolen”.
Any guidance would be greatly appreciated. I believe in this project and I would love to be a part of it.
Welcome to Cardano Forum, there are so many ways in which you could contribute and Cardano could be better for your input.
Have a good read around the various websites if you haven’t already, just to get a ‘feel’ for Cardano.
Secondly have a look into the Catalyst project
Please see link to get you started
Good luck, Feel free to ask any questions
This could provide you with everything you need and the collaborations that would be great for you