In 1.34.0 the notes say:
" * a new command to check the validity of stake pool operational certificates (including verifying the KES period)"
So what is this command exactly? Where is the documentation?
In 1.34.0 the notes say:
" * a new command to check the validity of stake pool operational certificates (including verifying the KES period)"
So what is this command exactly? Where is the documentation?
Nevermind I found this:
command in the CLI. This checks that your operational certificate is correct. It checks:
> cardano-cli query kes-period-info --testnet-magic 42 \
--op-cert-file example/node-pool1/shelley/node.cert
✓ The operational certificate counter agrees with the node protocol state counter
✓ Operational certificate's kes period is within the correct KES period interval
"qKesNodeStateOperationalCertificateNumber": 6,
"qKesCurrentKesPeriod": 404,
"qKesOnDiskOperationalCertificateNumber": 6,
"qKesRemainingSlotsInKesPeriod": 3760228,
"qKesMaxKESEvolutions": 62,
"qKesKesKeyExpiry": "2022-03-20T21:44:51Z",
"qKesEndKesInterval": 434,
"qKesStartKesInterval": 372,
"qKesSlotsPerKesPeriod": 129600
BUT THERE’S A BUG (The KES expiry output is wrong). See [BUG] - The value of kes-period-info is wrong. · Issue #3689 · input-output-hk/cardano-node · GitHub
bug fix on the way