Hubris. After running our node for a couple of years now, I’ve managed to break something and would like to ask for some assistance - I have not been able to start the node. It appears to start but log entries indicate a problem and I’m rather stuck.
This followed a few days after a smooth update to 10.1.1. After no issues, time to rotate the KES (13 days before expiration). Can’t count the number of successful rotations and since the original node setup was based on the Coincashew guides, decided to try the FRADA script which is where I went astray - my fault, not the script.
I ran the script twice - had not realized an error in the first pass and then accidentally re-ran it. Ouch - it bumped the node counter which I reset and verified (cardano-cli conway query kes-period-info --mainnet --op-cert-file node.cert).
The node remains “starting” and the log entries are not helpful. I can see there is a problem but do not understand the error, log excerpt below. Relays and BP are 10.1.1 I’ve run through a series of checks but now concerned I’ll make things worse.
Would appreciate any assistance or guidance that you could offer.
BP log:
[bone:cardano.node.ConnectionManager:Info:5048] [2024-11-22 16:59:52.68 UTC] TrConnectionHandler (ConnectionId {localAddress =, remoteAddress =}) (TrHands hakeServerError (HandshakeProtocolError (HandshakeError (VersionMismatch [NodeToNodeV_13,NodeToNodeV_14] ))))
[bone:cardano.node.ConnectionManager:Info:5047] [2024-11-22 16:59:52.68 UTC] TrConnectionManagerCounters (ConnectionManagerCounters {fullDuplexConns = 0, duplexConns = 0, unidirectional Conns = 0, inboundConns = 0, outboundConns = 0})
[bone:cardano.node.LeadershipCheck:Info:4729] [2024-11-22 16:59:53.00 UTC] {“chainDensity”:4.8154343e-2,“credentials”:“Cardano”,“delegMapSize”:1314018,“kind”:“TraceStartLeadershipCheck” ,“slot”:140728502,“utxoSize”:11160220}
[bone:cardano.node.Forge:Error:4729] [2024-11-22 16:59:53.02 UTC] fromList [(“credentials”,String “Cardano”),(“val”,Object (fromList [(“kind”,String “TraceNoLedgerView”),(“slot”,Number 1.40728502e8)]))]
[bone:cardano.node.LeadershipCheck:Info:4729] [2024-11-22 16:59:54.00 UTC] {“chainDensity”:4.8154343e-2,“credentials”:“Cardano”,“delegMapSize”:1314018,“kind”:“TraceStartLeadershipCheck” ,“slot”:140728503,“utxoSize”:11160220}
[bone:cardano.node.Forge:Error:4729] [2024-11-22 16:59:54.03 UTC] fromList [(“credentials”,String “Cardano”),(“val”,Object (fromList [(“kind”,String “TraceNoLedgerView”),(“slot”,Number 1.40728503e8)]))]