I dont like the idea that
1 Daedalus wallet was developed for windows (one most insecure operating systems out there)
2 the paper wallet generator is not a separate small code that can be installed/and run OFF-LINE
It would be best to install this on a bootable usb device that boot into memory on a computer with no network. when the machine shuts down every thing goes away. The only thing you want to do on this computer is to print the wallet words on a printer, verify the wallet.
I am waiting for the hard ware wallet support… that seems like the only secure system.
applications such as this should run only on open-source software where we can see what the OS is really doing. do you think that some government cant put pressure on Microsoft to create back doors into the os? we have no way to know one way or the other.
I hear you, keep in mind that official Linux support is coming in v1.4, with it booting from one USB drive, another running Daedalus fully encrypted will be very doable and very secure.
To improve security, version 2 will allow the offline creation of paper wallets and will not require Daedalus to be synchronized with the blockchain. The new single-address scheme will be used but the restoration of paper wallets will retain compatibility with version 1 of paper wallet certificates. Daedalus will also support the restoration of paper wallets in read-only mode for audit purposes which will keep the private key stored safely offline.
Sometimes wallets are made secure but its the operating environments that adds vulnerabilities to it as for windows its not among most secure os and surely linux version makes it more secure