Pass cardano of Binance to Daedalaus

Hi friends, I passed my ada of my account of Binance to the wallet of Daedalaus but In my balance I dont have the adas, but it lost at Binance. The conexion with the block chain is at 97,7% but the charge is so slow. You think that when arrive to 100% i have available my adas? The conexion I do with my legder nano S with Daedalaus, I comprove the direction and is correct, I dont know anything, THANK YOU!!


Yes, u should see the ADA when the blockchain will be 100% synced… til then u can check the address from daedalus on … u should see the funds there

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I see the founds and it’s correct, but I’m very confused. Thank you!!

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Then don’t worry, u will see the funds in Daedalus once it will be full synced

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I recived now, THANK YOU

great, don’t forget to delegate