I’m a newbie to cardano pools,
I created my first pool sucessfully and pledged all my ADA I had when registering it. I know it was a mistake, because then I didn’t meet the pledged amount with my active stake. So I decided to lower my pledge expecting that I would get the difference between the original and new amount back to my wallet. This didn’t happen after a new epoch started.
My question is: Is there a way how to “only” lower the pledge and get the difference back or the only way is to retire the pool and create a new one to get the pledged amount back?
I think u are reffering to 500 ADA paid for pool registration right?
Then submit a pool deregistration certificate and next epoch u will receive 500 ADA back as a reward inside the pool wallet
But it’s not very clear for me what u will want to do
That’s what I thought. Thank you for confirming me that.
Tell me more, why u want to retire it?
In fact I don’t want to retire it, just lower the pledge. Is the 500 ADA minimum for the pledge? I hope not.
aaa no, u can pledge from 0 to x, you don’t need to retire it to lower the pledge
But after I lower it the pledged coins are unavailable anyway, right?
What do u mean? The 500 ADA paid for registration? They are gone from your wallet and u will receive them only after u will retire the pool
yes, exactly these 500 ADA.
U can’t use them there are not in ur wallet anymore
that’s what I noticed So if I retire the pool and create a new one with a smaller registration pledge it should be OK, right?
I think that I understand now. The 500 ADA is the registration fee and cannot be lowered. Am I right? So it has nothing to do with the pledge.
Exactly, the pledge has nothing to do… if u will retire and create another one u will be exactly in the same situation
500 ADA it’s fixed for pool registration
OK, now it is clear to me! Thank you for the explanation!
You are welcome