Recap: DRep Cardano Training - DRep Pioneer Program-Course #1 - Vietnam

As announced in the Forum post and at our Meetup, on June 22 and 23, 2024, I successfully organized the first course of the DRep Cardano Training - DRep Pioneer Program. Despite having 22 registered members, we were thrilled to see 26 participants attend, exceeding my expectations.

Everyone actively engaged in discussions and contributed ideas with great enthusiasm, so much so that we lost track of time in our engrossing learning sessions.

We began the session with a quiz minigame on key terms related to DRep and CIP1694. Many participants excelled, quickly and accurately solving the puzzles, setting a lively and energetic tone for the lessons ahead.


Together, we explored Cardano’s on-chain governance design and CIP1694 in greater depth, enriching our collective understanding.


We practiced the DRep code of conduct, gaining a deeper comprehension of ethical principles and behavioral expectations through group discussions.


Using the Miro Board, we conducted group discussions on reward mechanisms for DReps. The groups engaged enthusiastically, sharing and presenting their ideas.

After reviewing the five proposed reward mechanisms, the groups discussed and synthesized their opinions, offering many valuable comments and excellent suggestions from future DReps.

Additional engaging activities facilitated discussion, learning, and knowledge sharing about DRep. We also practiced registering DRep IDs and explored platforms that support DReps in performing their tasks effectively.


We spent meaningful time together, gaining invaluable knowledge for the DRep journey ahead. After more than eight hours of study, we all felt well-prepared and energized to contribute to Cardano’s decentralized governance.

Thank you to Intersect and Cardano for giving us the opportunity to delve deeply into DRep and decentralized governance. :bowing_man::bowing_man:
I also extend my gratitude to my friends who helped prepare for the training.
Your enthusiastic support ensured the session’s success. Finally, thank you to all the participants who dedicated their valuable time to the DRep training session until the very last minute.

On behalf of the Cardano Vietnam community,
Ha Nguyen
Cardano Ambassador
DRep Pioneer Leader

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