Registration Incomplete - No Wallet

This is the 2nd time I have been unable to complete the registration. I missed Fund 6.

Now we are at the end of Fund 7. I have approximately 900 ADA in Daedalus. I have selected my Pool and chose which Campaign to fund, waited for the the approval process, entered my pin, scanned the code with my iPhone 8+, saved the QR code to PDF, and still get the message “Your QR code is not linked to any known wallet for this voting round.”

How & where do I link a wallet? I thought Daedalus was a Wallet.

when u registered to vote a transaction should be performed… do u see it?

Hello @Vern55
Registrations for Fund7 voting are already closed. You can’t register now. Cut off to register was January 6th, 2022

If you have a registration transaction that passed before this date you should contact
Send then Tx ID to their support and see if you can get voting power for Fund7.

Otherwise you’ll have to wait till Fund8.

Why are the announcements telling us we can vote till Feb 3rd:

Project Catalyst: Fund7 - Voting is OPEN. Cast your votes until Feb 3

It wasn’t obvious to me until now that there is a difference in the terminology between registering to vote date and vote ending date.

Looking back at the saved voting registration pdf’s they all say fund 8.

So that means I have registered to vote for fund 8 three times ( 1/17/22, 1/20/22, & 2/1/22. Does it matter which QR code I use to vote for fund 8?