Relay Node not talking with my core Node


I would recommend to go through this guide about the topologyUpdater

If you wonder why your pool does not appear in the wallets you can go through these 4 steps:


First I fixed topology file & ran here is output:
usr@domain:~/cardano-node/scripts$ ./
Could not find shelley genesis file in default location or ‘ShelleyGenesisFile’ from the node configuration file
Could not find shelley genesis file in default location or ‘ShelleyGenesisFile’ from the node configuration file

env is script looks for genesis.json file
in env but you can see this looks for file/genesis.json


here output using search everywhere there is no “file/genesis.json”

usr@domain:~/cardano-node/scripts$ find /home/usr/ -iname genesis.json

There should be, but maybe have another name

my cardano version is 1.25.0 maybe that’s the reason?

can I get someone else genesis file & I’ll match & update path in topology updater

This script maybe it’s not good for your setup

Try this guide. STEP 14 (configuring topology file)

Hi mate that didn’t work either cause I’m running relay node with this configurations:

cardano-node run
–topology mainnet-topology.json
–database-path db
–socket-path db/node.socket
–port 3303
–config mainnet-config.json

If you can answer me these two question I can build script in python & I’ll share here too.

I can get all the relay nodes from this link is it updated one?


I can build python script to scrape it every 12 hours or maybe every hours & put them in
–topology mainnet-topology.json
& restart the node …

I manually tried but this topology link
also have some relay nodes address that are not active…

how can I get active relay nodes list? from this link?

I think this is what script for… am I correct?


  1. I think the link is updated
    the topologyupdater also send a packet every hour to announce into the network that your node is
    online, if the packet will not be send in 4 hours then your node will be considered offline. You can
    build the script to add nodes in your topology (the recommendation is ~ 18-20 nodes) and restart at
    each 12 hours in order to stay connected only with online nodes…

  2. yes, but as u said, perhaps some nodes are filtering the imcp packets and you don’t know if is really offline or online (for eg I filtered my relays to not accept ping packets.)

but why you can’t fix topology updater script?

these script based on CNtools files structures & environment variable I tried to override but they are not working…
so I’m going to create python script which will send packets & update topology file & also restart so i could benefit me & others…

I’ll update once script is ready

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Did you manage to get the python script working? I am having similar issues

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