Restoration of Daedalus reward wallet to Yoroi

Hi, All.

I was having trouble with my Daedalus rewards wallet so I have attempted to set up a Yoroi testnet wallet.

I believe I transferred my funds over from the Daedalus wallet as I see the amount now in Yoroi but there is no sign of the rewards that I have been earning up to this point.

I believe what I did was create a new reward wallet in Yoroi and transferred the funds from my Daedalus testnet wallet.

Did I do this wrong?


Hey @Donnybaseball,

you need to restore the same wallet in Yoroi, there is no need to transfer the funds to a new wallet. The seed words are compatible between Yoroi and Daedalus.

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Thanks! at this point can I do that or is it to late as I transferred the funds over?

OK I see what I did. I just restored the old wallet in Yoroi (like I was supposed to do the first time) so now I can see the old rewards. I did transfer my Ada from the old wallet to the new Yoroi wallet so I will stake fresh from there.

A new wallet will have no rewards, because you did not delegate it yet. The way I see it there are two options:

1.) transfer it back to the old wallet and restore that old wallet in Yoroi.

2.) go with the new wallet. It should already start with the balance of your old wallet + the rewards of your old wallets, so you will not lose any ada.

Talking about losses: what you will lose with this option is basically the rewards of 2 epochs because the new wallet is not delegated.

Keep also in mind that with option 2 you will need to keep that seed safe to restore the rewards in the mainnet wallet when the testnet ends. (in addition to the new wallet, because some of your rewards will be tied to the old wallet, and some will be tied to the new wallet)

EDIT: not true what I wrote about losses, because you will receive rewards for the two epochs in your old wallet of course.

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Thank you!

I just re-delegated in the new wallet. When the time comes to transfer test net rewards to the main net I’ll have funds from 2 wallets to transfer (old and new).

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