Restored my hardware wallet, Yoroi/adalite errors

Hi, folks. I restored my hw wallet recently and generated a new set of seed phrases. I still have the old phrases. Yoroi shows a balance but errors when trying to change delegation or send. Is this due to the hardware wallet being restored? Do I need to restore again using the old phrase to be able to access my ADA that’s staked?

J’ai une question semblable. What’s the answer?. If you restore your Ledger hardware wallet with your recovery phrase do you loose your cryptos ADA?

Can u connect the ledger on - hw wallet - method webUSB, are u seeing the correct balance? If not try to restore the ledger with the old seed words

adalite shows no balance or tx history

If I restore my hardware wallet with Ledger Live is it possible to lose the ADA?. In my case I’ve the seed phrase I can restore my hardware wallet with Ledger Live. I ask you because it seems I’d to install the app Cardano in my Ledger.

Nope, restoring the ledger should be fine, but before to restore check on - hw - method webUSB if u see the right balance

But I think it’s not necessary to restore the ledger… just use chrome + yoroi extension

  • open yoroi
  • add wallet (shelley era)
  • connect ledger

Hi Alexd1985!

I’ve used chrom+yoroi extension and I cannot continue.

I’ve had a problem with my desktop. My hard disk is broken. Now I’ve a new hard disk.

I’ve downloaded the last version of Ledger Live in Windows and I’ve updated the firmware and the app of Cardano in Ledger Live.

When I’ve tried to restore my Yoroi wallet I couldn’t. On my computer screen it said me: “emurgo asks to connect to a device HID”. And after it said me: “It happened something. Please try it again.” At the same time in my Ledger hardware when I press the two buttons with the word Cardano it doesn’t appear “Export public key”, only “Waiting for commands and version 2.3.2”

I’ve some ADA doing staking. Perhaps it’s for that I don’t have the words Export Public Key in my Ledger. What do you think?.

I just want to restore my Yoroi hardware wallet and to recover my ADA.

I’ve thought to restore my hardware with a recovery phrase, but am I going to lose my ADA?.

If I’d a paper wallet or a physical wallet I could restore my wallet because I’ve my recovery phrase. And in this case it’s not important to have the cryptos doing staking. They don’t ask Export Public Key. It works only with the recovery phrase.

What to do?.



Try to connect the ledger on - hw - method webUSB … do u see the right balance?

I’ll try. Let’s see if it works.

Thanks Alex. With adalite showing no balance or transaction history when authenticating with a hardware wallet and having restored the hw wallet and establishing a new set of keys, does that tell me yoroi/adalite are looking for the old key which can only be achieved by restoring the hw wallet using the old key words?

Also, why does yoroi show the transaction history without having to connect the hw wallet? Is that the nature of it being a plugin?

does that tell me yoroi/adalite are looking for the old key which can only be achieved by restoring the hw wallet using the old key words?

Correct, u will need to restore the ledger with the right seed words

Also, why does yoroi show the transaction history without having to connect the hw wallet? Is that the nature of it being a plugin?

It’s ok, it will show you the last sync but without ledger confirmation u can’t use the wallet

Thanks. I’ll let you know how it goes.

Hi Alex!

Thanks for your support.
If I see my balance can I keep, receive and send my crypto from adalite?. If my crypto are doing staking can I recover them in this way?
And if I don’t see the balance I need my 24 words in a new device. Is that correct?. I’ve seen a video that using the seed words you don’t lose the cryptos. In any case I need a new device. I’ve bought one.
I go slowly. I don’t know anything and I want to be successful.

Adalite is just a way like yoroi to access the funds… u have same permisions to use the funds

PS: try now on yoroi:

  • open yoroi
  • add wallet (shelley era)
  • connect ledger

You should see the funds also on yoroi if the is shows the right balance

The new device should be restored with the seed words of the old device in order to access the funds

Thanks!. It’s very useful.
I think I’m going to try tomorrow because now I can make mistakes.

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It’s OK. If I want to do it I have to wait the arrival of the Ledger.

Hi Alex!.

It’s solved.

When the app says “emurgo asks to connect to a device HID” I should have selected Nano X and press the button Connect.

Thank you very much!.

We’ll be in contact. I’m in now!. There are good people in this forum to know.

Have a nice day!

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And just so I fully understand, I could have multiple private keys associated with a single hardware wallet? One can restore endlessly using multiple seed word sets and not lose anything and each private key is tied to its own set of wallet addresses? Thanks again for all your help.

I didin’t played with ledger but I guess u are right… each seed words will create a new wallet