im trying to restore my yoroi wallet on a new laptop… i’ve installed the yoroi chome extension on my brave browser, and proceed to restore my yoroi wallet. I followed the sequence below:
restore wallet - cardano - enter 15 word phrase - standard wallet
after entering wallet name, recover phrase and spending password, i cant click on the restore wallet button, as its grey out.
Sounds like you have an error in your seed phrase.
(It cannot be the spending password. A new spending password is set at each restore/import. It is only there to secure your wallet, while it is in one Yoroi instance.)
im pretty sure i have the correct seed phrase, coz i’ve snapped it with my spare phone, which is not on any phone network or access.
I’ve also tried creating a test Yoroi wallet on my new laptop, jotted down the new phrase, proceed to remove the Yoroi wallet extension, restart laptop and reinstall the Yoroi extension, and then trying to restore this test yoroi wallet, same problem. Restore wallet button is greyed out…
It’s not a good idea to snap the passphrase on a phone. If it’s an iPhone, the image goes to iCloud without you knowing. It gets worse as Apple can see the file. Can tpu make the pictures public? If you can, that’s very bad.
Plese delete the photo AFTER you have written the seed phrase down as recommended. And keep it safe.
No SIM card and no wifi? I still recommend writing everything down? Every word, some have managed to miss one word or the spending pasword. Better yet, use a hardware wallet, definitely of you have, say, 1000 Ada or more. You may have noticed that people suddenly find that their sw wallet has been drained.
That is actually a reason for using a photo. You cannot forget or mistype a word when taking it.
Yes, due to automatic backups and stuff you should normally not do that, but why lecture someone who explicitly made clear they know that and used a non-connected phone?
Well, at least, if the picture is good, you can see the seed phrase. But are you sure the memory will work x years from now?
There was this guy that had bitcoin and his keys were stored on a single usb stick. It worked well until one day, I think he wanted to brag, he found that his usb stick would not mount. Absolute disaster.
I don’t use yoroi but I’m pretty sure you can’t transfer if you don’t enter the spending password. All is not lost, you can recreate the wallet and get a new one.
And since you can restore/import with just the seed phrase and decide on a totally new spending password, you absolutely do not need to backup it together with the seed phrase. Of course, you can put it in some password manager to not have to regularly restore, but for the emergency backup it’s not needed at all.
Nope, but I have two ledgers and I think cryptocurrency should be as protected as your bank account. In Sweden, that means a hardware token. There’s no other way to access your bank account. You also need it when you make payments over Internet.
Of course, sometimes you can’t use a hardware wallet. There are coins and tokens for which you can only use a software wallet. Like theTrump coin. If these coins or tokens have a significant value then I think you should use a dedicated laptop. You reinstall the operating system and you don’t use it for any other other purpose whatsoever. No additional add ons, games email or otherwise ”neat” but useless stuff like someones screen saver. You may synchronize the blockchain. Getting an old computer is easy, just don’t use it as it is.
Now you have a Gazpacho Wallet and it will be quite safe.