Retiring unfortunate pool


I have a (de-registered) pool (ticker Px2).
That pool never have had rewards due to being too small probably (that’s sad :wink: )
Current status when I list it in cntools is:

 >> POOL >> LIST

ID (hex)              : f4a26ceae75860ddd44f7f385c6128119c8f2555f37d614c44b118c8
ID (bech32)           : pool17j3xe6h8tpsdm4z00uu9ccfgzxwg7f247d7kznzykyvvsm4vujk
Registered            : NO
KES expiration date   : 2021-09-08 21:44:51 NZST

press any key to proceed ..

I still have 500ADA registration fee in rewards and not sure how to withdraw it.
I read topic under: Retiring Stake Pool. CN Tools - #23 by Tylert16
but seems my output differs from that (Registered NO vs DE-REGISTERED).
Not sure if mine is already retired but maybe I missed something on the way. My initial aim was to retire pool and leave node running for “some time” which should be enough for 2 epochs and then come back to it and figure out how to move ada out to different wallet. Now is that time of figuring out :smiley:

So I checked this link as well: Withdraw rewards - Stake pool course
but where I am to cover some release differences (not to use “shelley” and build-raw, etc) I stuck on
querying payment.addr as this commends returns empty list, do can’t build transaction.

Therefore, at this point, what are my options? How to best achieve withdrawal of rewards (and rest to different wallet).
Apologies in advance for being noob :slight_smile:

Forgot to add:

  1. I did uncomment “POOL” variables in env:
px2@sm1:/opt/cardano/cnode/scripts$ grep POOL env
#POOL_FOLDER="${CNODE_HOME}/priv/pool"                  # Root folder for Pools
POOL_NAME="px2_jackson_pool"                                           # Set the pool's name to run node as a core node (the name, NOT the ticker, ie folder name)
POOL_ID_FILENAME=""                             # Standardized names for all pool related files
  1. I have “cold” files in place:
px2@sm1:/opt/cardano/cnode/scripts$ LC_ALL="en_US" ll ../priv/pool/px2_jackson_pool/
total 56
drwxrwxr-x 2 px2 px2  251 Jul 14 18:06 ./
drwxrwxr-x 3 px2 px2   30 Jun  8 19:16 ../
-rw------- 1 px2 px2  203 Jun  8 19:22 cold.counter
-rw------- 1 px2 px2  187 Jul  4 17:42 cold.skey
-rw------- 1 px2 px2  197 Jun  8 19:16 cold.vkey
-rw------- 1 px2 px2 1327 Jun  8 19:16 hot.skey
-rw------- 1 px2 px2  183 Jun  8 19:16 hot.vkey
-rw------- 1 px2 px2    4 Jun  8 19:22 kes.start
-rw------- 1 px2 px2  365 Jun  8 19:22 op.cert
-rw------- 1 px2 px2  261 Jul  4 17:44 pool.config
-rw------- 1 px2 px2  182 Jul 14 18:05 pool.dereg
-rw------- 1 px2 px2   57 Jun  8 19:16
-rw------- 1 px2 px2   57 Jun  8 19:16
-rw------- 1 px2 px2  256 Jul  4 17:43 poolmeta.json
-rw------- 1 px2 px2  230 Jun  8 19:16 vrf.skey
-rw------- 1 px2 px2  176 Jun  8 19:16 vrf.vkey

And I’m still getting:

Selected value: [o] Online

# Select pool to retire
WARN: No pools available that can be selected! Required files:

press any key to proceed ..

from cntools when I try to retire pool there.

The pool is retired already

You will need to go and withdraw the rewards:

Cntools- funds - rewards- withdraw


Thanks! I should retire myself…
all sorted.

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