Hello, new to staking, been running my node for a few epochs now. When I run:
cardano-cli query stake-address-info --address $(cat stake.addr) --mainnet
I see rewardAccountBalance: 0.
Is there a way to see how many random chances I was given and just the dice didn’t roll in my favor?
Maybe I don’t have enough staked to have a good shot at rewards?
If you have the pool_id, or TICKER - then search your pool on pooltool.io
You will see all the infos about your pool - like the rewards and fees…
Maybe I need to wait until this NEXT epoch, it’s all still blank Cardano PoolTool - The most comprehensive staking statistics for Cardano on the web.
1 other question: can I increase the amount staked by just sending more ADA to same payment address I sent the first?
So the node should produce a block first, to get reward for the achievement.
I think the question is how much delegated ADA needed for block creation. so 10.000 ADA ~ one year, 100.000 ADA ~1 month, 1M ADA ~1 epoch… to create a block… that is not a super accurate, but can be a guideline…
Yes, by sending more ADA to the address it will automatically increase the stake.
So starting with step 11 from the coincashew doc:
Register your stake address
transaction build-raw ${tx_in} --tx-out $(cat payment.addr)+${txOut} --fee ${fee}
My tx_in was the 2000 ADA I sent to my payment.addr.
I signed and submited this tx, it was accepted.
Register your stake pool
stake-pool registration-certificate --pool-pledge 100000000 --pool-cost 340000000
I only pledge 100 ADA. (again I signed and submited this tx, it was accepted.)
Is the 1900 ADA not pledged just sitting there not helping me earn rewards?
I actually ran through the coincashew doc 3 times and made 3 different nodes:
each with different amounts, but I think I kept the default pledge amount either 100 or 200 but never the full amount. Is there a command to change my pledge amount retroactively? Or do I just re-do step 12’s tx with a new --pool-pledge?
BTW I’m not trying to get people to use my pools (yet!) I’m only trying to get my ADA out of coinbase and into nodes I run myself to maximize the yield on the ADA I already own. But before I move over 100% of my coinbase ADA I wanted to practice with small amounts.