Hello dude,
I hope you are doing well!
I would like to ask when I get the new ledger device and enter my Phrase, I guess I have to connect it to Ledger Life and install the Cardano app to access my funds in Yoroi or I can directly go to Yoroi and try to withdrawn my ADA ?
Thank you!
Yeah after restoring your keys on the new device, you will have to connect it to Ledger Live and install the Cardano app. After that you can use litewallets like Typhon or Eternl (wouldnt really recommand Yoroi to be honest), add a new wallet and connect it with your Ledger device.
Ok,thank you,but just from curiosity why you don’t recommend Yoroi,it is not that safe or there’s other reason?I will probably use Yoroi since I have already installed and and it will be more easier for me,but in the future I might try the other options as well
Nah, Yoroi is as safe as the other options but Yoroi isnt really working really stable. There are alot of issues with syncing and so on.
You can also use multiple user interfaces like Yoroi at the same time to test them and then pick what ever you like the most.
I see,Thank you for the answer!
Hello dude,I’ve got the new device,everything worsk with the recovey phrase but when I try to send via Yoroi the following message appears"Incorrect device detected. Expected device {expectedDeviceId}, but got device {responseDeviceId}. Please plug in the correct device"
You have to add a new wallet on Yoroi and then connect that one with the new Ledger.
aa I see,I have also purchased Ledger Nano S Plus,I used to have Legder Nano S
Ok,now I am in the Yoroi website but I see only an option to download the Yoroi again,I need to download it again or there should be an option in my exisiting one to add new wallet,since I cannot see that option
I have found the option add new wallet in my existing account,now I am gonna try again
OK,first I chosed to connect hardware wallet and I was requeired to press some export,I’ve pressed that but nothing happens,I believe I just need to press on create
new wallet?
So if you add a new wallet and you get a prompt to expert the public keys, you have to accept that. If you did so, you should see a new wallet added.
If that doesnt work, i would recommand to use Typhon wallet instead of Yoroi.
Is it that one Typhon Wallet ?
yep exactly.
I have create new wallet on Typhone Wallet ,but cannot see my funds there,is it automaticly or I just need to do something else
and did you also connect it with your Ledger device?
I have connect the Ledger but there was no specific option in Typhone to connect to my Ledger I just connect the device and press add new wallet on typhone thats it
Do you have Discord or Telegram? Might be abit easier to chat there^^
I have discord,my name there is Sheremon
sent a friend request