Setting up cardano-node with mithril-client on preview, preprod, and mainnet

My goal with this post is to have cardano-nodes on both testnets – preview and preprod – and on mainnet running as a user, so I can later use them for minting, contract experiments etc. I’m not going to run a pool and this is not about setting up one.

To setup as fast and simple as possible, I’m going to use the pre-compiled binaries. Moreover, since we now have Mithril to get snapshots of the chains and do not have to synchronise from the beginning anymore, I’m going to use that.

Installing the software

I’m downloading the latest stable versions of cardano-node (10.1.2 at the time of last update) from and of mithril (v2445.0 at the time of last update) from Then, I unpack those archives and put the binaries in there in the PATH.

I won’t give copy and paste instructions here. There are far too many already out there. A Cardano forum is not the right place to give a thorough introduction to Linux, bash, etc. You should learn a bit about that from the plethora of resources that are readily available out there for Linux in general and your specific Linux distribution.

After that, you can choose how you would like to organise your (Cardano) software. Personally, I chose to have the different packages in ~/.local/cardano/software/:

$ ls -l ~/.local/cardano/software/
drwxr-xr-x 1 sean sean        16 2024-11-01 14:58 cardano-node-10.1.2/
-rw-r--r-- 1 sean sean 126310571 2024-11-01 16:42 cardano-node-10.1.2-linux.tar.gz
drwxr-xr-x 1 sean sean       414 2024-11-27 02:00 mithril-2445.0/
-rw-r--r-- 1 sean sean  63016769 2024-11-07 14:38 mithril-2445.0-linux-x64.tar.gz


  • IOG tends to pack its binary distributions such that they unpack in the current directory. So, I manually created those versioned directories, changed into them and called tar xaf from in there.
  • The binaries in the mithril distribution were not set to executable. I had to manually chmod +x them.

And I then have symbolic links in ~/.local/bin/ which for me is in the PATH anyway:

$ ls -l ~/.local/bin/
lrwxrwxrwx 1 sean sean        50 2024-11-27 02:15 bech32 -> ../cardano/software/cardano-node-10.1.2/bin/bech32*
lrwxrwxrwx 1 sean sean        55 2024-11-27 02:16 cardano-cli -> ../cardano/software/cardano-node-10.1.2/bin/cardano-cli*
lrwxrwxrwx 1 sean sean        56 2024-11-27 02:17 cardano-node -> ../cardano/software/cardano-node-10.1.2/bin/cardano-node*
lrwxrwxrwx 1 sean sean        49 2024-11-27 02:19 mithril-client -> ../cardano/software/mithril-2445.0/mithril-client*

That way, I can easily switch to new versions by changing the symbolic links, with the possibility to easily switch back as long as I have not deleted the old version.

Using Mithril to get snapshots

Mithril can be used to bootstrap nodes on mainnet as well as both testnets as described in

I decided to put the chains next to each other in ~/.local/cardano/chains/. So, I’m doing in ~/.local/cardano/chains/mainnet/:

$ export NETWORK=mainnet
$ mithril-client cardano-db snapshot list
$ mithril-client cardano-db download <latest digest>

In ~/.local/cardano/chains/preprod/:

$ export NETWORK=preprod
$ mithril-client cardano-db snapshot list
$ mithril-client cardano-db download <latest digest>

And in ~/.local/cardano/chains/preview/:

$ export NETWORK=preview
$ mithril-client cardano-db snapshot list
$ mithril-client cardano-db download <latest digest>

mithril-client downloads the databases into db/ directories in the current directory and, when the downloads are ready, verifies the signatures (after all that is what Mithril is all about).

Download and check of preprod and preview were ready in about eleven minutes each, of mainnet in about 95 minutes:

Getting and adapting the configurations

The configuration and Genesis files are obtained from

In ~/.local/cardano/chains/mainnet/config/:

$ curl -s -O
$ curl -s -O
$ curl -s -O
$ curl -s -O
$ curl -s -O
$ curl -s -O
$ curl -s -O

In ~/.local/cardano/chains/preprod/config/:

$ curl -s -O
$ curl -s -O
$ curl -s -O
$ curl -s -O
$ curl -s -O
$ curl -s -O
$ curl -s -O

In ~/.local/cardano/chains/preview/config/:

$ curl -s -O
$ curl -s -O
$ curl -s -O
$ curl -s -O
$ curl -s -O
$ curl -s -O
$ curl -s -O

I decided that I need neither EKG nor Prometheus for my use case (local node just to submit transactions and experiment around with). The logs in journalctl are more than enough. So, I removed superfluous configuration in all three configs:

$ diff -u1 config-original.json config.json
--- config-original.json	2024-01-04 10:25:32.232620424 +0100
+++ config.json	2024-01-04 10:26:16.619097477 +0100
@@ -63,3 +63,3 @@
   "TracingVerbosity": "NormalVerbosity",
-  "TurnOnLogMetrics": true,
+  "TurnOnLogMetrics": false,
   "TurnOnLogging": true,
@@ -74,27 +74,4 @@
-  "hasEKG": 12788,
-  "hasPrometheus": [
-    "",
-    12798
-  ],
   "minSeverity": "Info",
   "options": {
-    "mapBackends": {
-      "cardano.node.metrics": [
-        "EKGViewBK"
-      ],
-      "cardano.node.resources": [
-        "EKGViewBK"
-      ]
-    },
-    "mapSubtrace": {
-      "cardano.node.metrics": {
-        "subtrace": "Neutral"
-      }
-    }
-  },
-  "rotation": {
-    "rpKeepFilesNum": 10,
-    "rpLogLimitBytes": 5000000,
-    "rpMaxAgeHours": 24

Since I want to be able to run the nodes on the different chains/networks in parallel and the port the node itself listens on will be given on the command line and is not set in config.json, I create environment files that can be read by the systemd unit in the next section:

$ cat ~/.local/cardano/chains/mainnet/env
$ cat ~/.local/cardano/chains/preprod/env
$ cat ~/.local/cardano/chains/preview/env

Creating a systemd user unit

I want to be able to manage the nodes with systemctl, but not as system-wide units (as in the usual setups according to CoinCashew or CNTools), but as user units.

I create the following unit file:

$ cat ~/.config/systemd/user/cnode@.service
Description=Cardano Node

ExecStart=%h/.local/bin/cardano-node run --topology config/topology.json --database-path db --socket-path socket --config config/config.json --port ${CARDANO_NODE_PORT}


That the name of the unit ends in an @ means that it is started with an instance name that is available inside the unit as %i. That way, I can use this same unit file to manage all three networks/chains with it.

Changing into the directory for the corresponding chain makes the call to cardano-node very simple and there are no further scripts needed.

Starting all three chains:

$ systemctl --user start cnode@mainnet
$ systemctl --user start cnode@preprod
$ systemctl --user start cnode@preview

This also organises them into a slice that can be used to query the state of all of them at once:

$ systemctl --user status app-cnode.slice
● app-cnode.slice - Slice /app/cnode
     Loaded: loaded
     Active: active since Wed 2024-11-27 03:09:44 CET; 1h 3min ago
 Invocation: 6ad7f10099474e7b85faf90f9d552c2b
      Tasks: 40
     Memory: 16.6G (peak: 16.6G)
        CPU: 7min 36.291s
     CGroup: /user.slice/user-1000.slice/user@1000.service/app.slice/app-cnode.slice
             │ └─982663 /home/sean/.local/bin/cardano-node run --topology config/topology.json --database-path db --socket-path socket --config config/config.json --port 3001
             │ └─975140 /home/sean/.local/bin/cardano-node run --topology config/topology.json --database-path db --socket-path socket --config config/config.json --port 3002
               └─975169 /home/sean/.local/bin/cardano-node run --topology config/topology.json --database-path db --socket-path socket --config config/config.json --port 3003

Nov 27 04:12:33 nat cnode@preview[975169]: [nat:cardano.node.ConnectionManager:Info:1456] [2024-11-27 03:12:33.45 UTC] TrConnectionManagerCounters (ConnectionManagerCounters {fullDuplexConns = 0, duplexConns = 54>
Nov 27 04:12:34 nat cnode@mainnet[982663]: [nat:cardano.node.ChainDB:Notice:23] [2024-11-27 03:12:34.67 UTC] Chain extended, new tip: 4a24ab43ac538cce8135c7cc6ff0b5fa3c1bf700f15e8841d6301b3e24ccd683 at slot 14111>
Nov 27 04:12:36 nat cnode@preview[975169]: [nat:cardano.node.ChainDB:Notice:21] [2024-11-27 03:12:36.11 UTC] Chain extended, new tip: 6fb38c90fec87eb49213011b5b37074f89f8436a82668ae7a9ac267ece73b392 at slot 66021>
Nov 27 04:12:36 nat cnode@preview[975169]: [nat:cardano.node.Mempool:Info:29] [2024-11-27 03:12:36.11 UTC] fromList [("enclosingTime",Object (fromList [("tag",String "RisingEdge")])),("kind",String "TraceMempoolS>
Nov 27 04:12:36 nat cnode@preview[975169]: [nat:cardano.node.metrics:Notice:29] [2024-11-27 03:12:36.11 UTC] txsSyncDuration = 0
Nov 27 04:12:36 nat cnode@preview[975169]: [nat:cardano.node.Mempool:Info:29] [2024-11-27 03:12:36.11 UTC] fromList [("enclosingTime",Object (fromList [("contents",Number 2.77389e-4),("tag",String "FallingEdgeWit>
Nov 27 04:12:51 nat cnode@preprod[975140]: [nat:cardano.node.ChainDB:Notice:21] [2024-11-27 03:12:51.11 UTC] Chain extended, new tip: c3ae45890a32f8887a7bead3111c1d2b8c73a29ed5354be11fd177af9ec0e193 at slot 76993>
Nov 27 04:12:51 nat cnode@preprod[975140]: [nat:cardano.node.Mempool:Info:29] [2024-11-27 03:12:51.12 UTC] fromList [("enclosingTime",Object (fromList [("tag",String "RisingEdge")])),("kind",String "TraceMempoolS>
Nov 27 04:12:51 nat cnode@preprod[975140]: [nat:cardano.node.metrics:Notice:29] [2024-11-27 03:12:51.12 UTC] txsSyncDuration = 0
Nov 27 04:12:51 nat cnode@preprod[975140]: [nat:cardano.node.Mempool:Info:29] [2024-11-27 03:12:51.12 UTC] fromList [("enclosingTime",Object (fromList [("contents",Number 2.66822e-4),("tag",String "FallingEdgeWit>

$ journalctl --user -fu app-cnode.slice
Nov 27 04:12:51 nat cnode@preprod[975140]: [nat:cardano.node.Mempool:Info:29] [2024-11-27 03:12:51.12 UTC] fromList [("enclosingTime",Object (fromList [("tag",String "RisingEdge")])),("kind",String "TraceMempoolSynced")]
Nov 27 04:12:51 nat cnode@preprod[975140]: [nat:cardano.node.metrics:Notice:29] [2024-11-27 03:12:51.12 UTC] txsSyncDuration = 0
Nov 27 04:12:51 nat cnode@preprod[975140]: [nat:cardano.node.Mempool:Info:29] [2024-11-27 03:12:51.12 UTC] fromList [("enclosingTime",Object (fromList [("contents",Number 2.66822e-4),("tag",String "FallingEdgeWith")])),("kind",String "TraceMempoolSynced")]
Nov 27 04:12:58 nat cnode@mainnet[982663]: [nat:cardano.node.ChainDB:Notice:23] [2024-11-27 03:12:58.29 UTC] Chain extended, new tip: f931ed71fc0b6a940cb246d481f068b1de87e5a9b1143f45beb5f79b95545417 at slot 141110886
Nov 27 04:13:00 nat cnode@mainnet[982663]: [nat:cardano.node.ChainDB:Notice:23] [2024-11-27 03:13:00.61 UTC] Chain extended, new tip: 254c9806d0e468f1fb3ffb503a6e9e924dae03e9240023035d6707b9143be3cf at slot 141110889
Nov 27 04:13:30 nat cnode@preprod[975140]: [nat:cardano.node.ChainDB:Notice:21] [2024-11-27 03:13:30.20 UTC] Chain extended, new tip: 4bc5a79bd52308e45607fb86f76bf4e580ed55c09f7a489feeca5cec704fef33 at slot 76994010
Nov 27 04:13:30 nat cnode@preprod[975140]: [nat:cardano.node.Mempool:Info:29] [2024-11-27 03:13:30.21 UTC] fromList [("enclosingTime",Object (fromList [("tag",String "RisingEdge")])),("kind",String "TraceMempoolSynced")]
Nov 27 04:13:30 nat cnode@preprod[975140]: [nat:cardano.node.metrics:Notice:29] [2024-11-27 03:13:30.21 UTC] txsSyncDuration = 0
Nov 27 04:13:30 nat cnode@preprod[975140]: [nat:cardano.node.Mempool:Info:29] [2024-11-27 03:13:30.21 UTC] fromList [("enclosingTime",Object (fromList [("contents",Number 2.82809e-4),("tag",String "FallingEdgeWith")])),("kind",String "TraceMempoolSynced")]
Nov 27 04:13:32 nat cnode@mainnet[982663]: [nat:cardano.node.ChainDB:Notice:23] [2024-11-27 03:13:32.43 UTC] Chain extended, new tip: 88bee3572c8a6081e6e37dae5a76c7496f7c90fe9f30dac982d853dae4d504cb at slot 141110921
Nov 27 04:13:37 nat cnode@mainnet[982663]: [nat:cardano.node.ChainDB:Notice:23] [2024-11-27 03:13:37.23 UTC] Chain extended, new tip: e0e51bcd5fc083461236f47d749b5f38b0e383753cf4e76a89e3908a3cb56855 at slot 141110926

Setting bash aliases

Finally, I created some aliases for bash and put them in one of my startup files to be able to use all three nodes with cardano-cli:

$ alias | grep cardano-cli
alias cardano-cli-mainnet='CARDANO_NODE_SOCKET_PATH=~/.local/cardano/chains/mainnet/socket cardano-cli'
alias cardano-cli-preprod='CARDANO_NODE_SOCKET_PATH=~/.local/cardano/chains/preprod/socket cardano-cli'
alias cardano-cli-preview='CARDANO_NODE_SOCKET_PATH=~/.local/cardano/chains/preview/socket cardano-cli'
$ cardano-cli-mainnet query tip --mainnet
    "block": 11145441,
    "epoch": 524,
    "era": "Conway",
    "hash": "372d014e87886b69f3cf93c2318167aa0da7993538f0c1f32dacae85c7e1970c",
    "slot": 141111002,
    "slotInEpoch": 106202,
    "slotsToEpochEnd": 325798,
    "syncProgress": "100.00"
$ cardano-cli-preprod query tip --testnet-magic 1
    "block": 2928764,
    "epoch": 182,
    "era": "Conway",
    "hash": "f26414a5697ffc5f55df0632933865ccfd7bc0189a85f1410316423d54f18b6a",
    "slot": 76994094,
    "slotInEpoch": 11694,
    "slotsToEpochEnd": 420306,
    "syncProgress": "100.00"
$ cardano-cli-preview query tip --testnet-magic 2
    "block": 2712398,
    "epoch": 764,
    "era": "Conway",
    "hash": "0ca434a573915d90248a534019191b5e929db4f8d21a1f59324c93cfee1943ed",
    "slot": 66021277,
    "slotInEpoch": 11677,
    "slotsToEpochEnd": 74723,
    "syncProgress": "100.00"

And this concludes my journey in setting up nodes on mainnet and both testnets in parallel under a user account using pre-compiled binaries and Mithril to reduce effort and time as much as possible.

To summarise, these are the files and directories, we now have for the three chains/networks:

$ tree -L 3 ~/.local/cardano/chains/
├── mainnet
│   ├── config
│   │   ├── alonzo-genesis.json
│   │   ├── byron-genesis.json
│   │   ├── config-original.json
│   │   ├── config.json
│   │   ├── conway-genesis.json
│   │   ├── guardrails-script.plutus
│   │   ├── shelley-genesis.json
│   │   └── topology.json
│   ├── db
│   │   ├── gsm
│   │   ├── immutable
│   │   ├── ledger
│   │   ├── lock
│   │   ├── protocolMagicId
│   │   └── volatile
│   ├── env
│   └── socket
├── preprod
│   ├── config
│   │   ├── alonzo-genesis.json
│   │   ├── byron-genesis.json
│   │   ├── config-original.json
│   │   ├── config.json
│   │   ├── conway-genesis.json
│   │   ├── guardrails-script.plutus
│   │   ├── shelley-genesis.json
│   │   └── topology.json
│   ├── db
│   │   ├── gsm
│   │   ├── immutable
│   │   ├── ledger
│   │   ├── lock
│   │   ├── protocolMagicId
│   │   └── volatile
│   ├── env
│   └── socket
└── preview
    ├── config
    │   ├── alonzo-genesis.json
    │   ├── byron-genesis.json
    │   ├── config-original.json
    │   ├── config.json
    │   ├── conway-genesis.json
    │   ├── guardrails-script.plutus
    │   ├── shelley-genesis.json
    │   └── topology.json
    ├── db
    │   ├── gsm
    │   ├── immutable
    │   ├── ledger
    │   ├── lock
    │   ├── protocolMagicId
    │   └── volatile
    ├── env
    └── socket

22 directories, 36 files

$ du -h ~/.local/cardano/chains/ | sort -h
0     /home/sean/.local/cardano/chains/mainnet/db/gsm
0     /home/sean/.local/cardano/chains/preprod/db/gsm
0     /home/sean/.local/cardano/chains/preview/db/gsm
48K   /home/sean/.local/cardano/chains/preview/config
52K   /home/sean/.local/cardano/chains/preprod/config
1.1M  /home/sean/.local/cardano/chains/mainnet/config
1.3M  /home/sean/.local/cardano/chains/preview/db/volatile
7.2M  /home/sean/.local/cardano/chains/preprod/db/volatile
108M  /home/sean/.local/cardano/chains/mainnet/db/volatile
400M  /home/sean/.local/cardano/chains/preview/db/ledger
893M  /home/sean/.local/cardano/chains/preprod/db/ledger
4.6G  /home/sean/.local/cardano/chains/mainnet/db/ledger
8.7G  /home/sean/.local/cardano/chains/preprod/db/immutable
9.4G  /home/sean/.local/cardano/chains/preview/db/immutable
9.6G  /home/sean/.local/cardano/chains/preprod
9.6G  /home/sean/.local/cardano/chains/preprod/db
9.8G  /home/sean/.local/cardano/chains/preview
9.8G  /home/sean/.local/cardano/chains/preview/db
186G  /home/sean/.local/cardano/chains/mainnet/db/immutable
191G  /home/sean/.local/cardano/chains/mainnet
191G  /home/sean/.local/cardano/chains/mainnet/db
210G  /home/sean/.local/cardano/chains/



  • Updated to Mithril v2347.0 and Cardano Node 8.7.3.
  • Changed location of software and chains to ~/.local/cardano/.


  • Updated to Mithril v2445.0 and Cardano Node 10.1.2.

Very good article @HeptaSean Great work! I appreciate the guidelines

1 Like

@HeptaSean PreProd started. However, the mainnet is just stuck starting, over 45 minutes and counting…

Services are running tho,



You can look with journalctl --user -fu cnode@mainnet (if you did it similarly to my guide above, otherwise replace the service name with whatever you did) what it is currently doing.

It did a pretty time consuming rebuild when starting 8.7.3 for the first time for me too if I remember correctly. I think they changed some data structures again and the Mithril snapshots are still for the old (which is the safe thing to do because otherwise old versions could not be bootstrapped at all with them).

Edit: Found were I read that:

Do we have a definite place which defines which cardano-node version is compatible with the downloaded snapshots?
Using 8.7.2 and 8.7.3 on mainnet snapshots right now will have it replay the ledger state (expected, as I think the snapshots were created by cardano-node 8.1.2?)

Yeah it makes sense. I’m looking at the logs. It looks like its replaying the ledger from scratch. It takes a long time. My guess would be somewhere around 3 hours at this rate.

Ouch. That is still less than synchronising without Mithril, but ouch.

Don’t think it was that long for me, but depends on a lot of things – memory, CPU, what else is running, …

30 Gb Ram 8 Cores, although I’m capping two cores for each node instance.

I see memory use growing, so that’s a good sign. I think it’s all good so far, it is just hard to tell if something is alright when it is not giving you much information about the current progress

Hmm, not sure what you are using to look at the log.

When my node did the replay it gave a message every couple of seconds:

Jan 15 14:37:21 nat cnode@mainnet[72665]: [nat:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2024-01-15 13:37:21.99 UTC] Replaying ledger from genesis
Jan 15 14:37:22 nat cnode@mainnet[72665]: [nat:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2024-01-15 13:37:22.19 UTC] Replayed block: slot 0 out of 112732111. Progress: 0.00%
Jan 15 14:37:24 nat cnode@mainnet[72665]: [nat:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2024-01-15 13:37:24.29 UTC] Replayed block: slot 21599 out of 112732111. Progress: 0.02%
Jan 15 14:37:27 nat cnode@mainnet[72665]: [nat:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2024-01-15 13:37:27.43 UTC] Replayed block: slot 43199 out of 112732111. Progress: 0.04%
Jan 15 14:37:30 nat cnode@mainnet[72665]: [nat:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2024-01-15 13:37:30.00 UTC] Replayed block: slot 64799 out of 112732111. Progress: 0.06%
Jan 15 14:37:32 nat cnode@mainnet[72665]: [nat:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2024-01-15 13:37:32.55 UTC] Replayed block: slot 86399 out of 112732111. Progress: 0.08%
Jan 15 19:48:52 nat cnode@mainnet[72665]: [nat:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2024-01-15 18:48:52.22 UTC] Replayed block: slot 112643986 out of 112732111. Progress: 99.92%
Jan 15 19:48:57 nat cnode@mainnet[72665]: [nat:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2024-01-15 18:48:57.84 UTC] Replayed block: slot 112665599 out of 112732111. Progress: 99.94%
Jan 15 19:49:05 nat cnode@mainnet[72665]: [nat:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2024-01-15 18:49:05.84 UTC] Replayed block: slot 112687164 out of 112732111. Progress: 99.96%
Jan 15 19:49:10 nat cnode@mainnet[72665]: [nat:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2024-01-15 18:49:10.11 UTC] Replayed block: slot 112708765 out of 112732111. Progress: 99.98%
Jan 15 19:49:15 nat cnode@mainnet[72665]: [nat:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2024-01-15 18:49:15.87 UTC] Replayed block: slot 112730369 out of 112732111. Progress: 100.00%

And my memory was faulty: It did take more than five hours, it seems.

And as said: You can run journalctl --user --follow --unit cnode@mainnet or short form journalctl --user -fu cnode@mainnet to let it follow the log until you stop it with Ctrl-C. That way you see the newest progress messages popping up every couple of seconds in that terminal.

Yes, my journal is printing that the node is listening. No errors. I’m using the guild operators scripts, which may be why the logs are different. I only used the Mithril section from your guide :stuck_out_tongue:

1 Like

Looking back at this one and a half years later (after having it updated to current state of things), I want to stress this paragraph again and expand a bit on it:

Some of the things in that guide actually are copy-and-pastable:


(Although, you could, for example, just use wget instead of curl -s -O or download with your browser and then move the files around or …)

Those were mainly the points where I myself would want to copy and paste because those are things that I do so rarely that I need a reminder.

But at other points, the given commands – ls, cat, tree, … – just show the result of what I did. This should be clear to anyone having used a Unix for a couple of days or weeks, but for those new not only to running Cardano nodes and tools, but to Linux/Unix/development/system administration as a whole: Those commands do not have to be executed necessarily in that order. They don’t change anything, just show what is there.

How you arrive there, if you use a graphical explorer or a shell, if you use one terminal window or a neat arrangement of eight terminals in different folders on two screens, what order of cd, mv, cp, ln, … you exactly do, which editor – nano, vim, nvim, kate, … – you use, if you decide on a different layout of files, … is mostly up to you.

Some guides try to give an exact command by command sequence, sometimes including trying to keep track in which working directory the user currently is and creating files with echo "<something>" >> <some file> commands. I don’t really believe in this approach which is why I tend to just show cat <some file> in those cases and leave it up to the user with which editor they want to do it. No experienced user will want to create a file line by line using echos.

If you are also new to all things Linux, I don’t necessarily want to discourage you from learning Linux and Cardano at the same time. But it will be a journey and require some curiosity and initiative!

And if you are asking questions here or in other places: Please give details! Just an error message often doesn’t say that much. Tell us what you did, which documentation you followed, what you already did to find out what’s going on, … This helps you getting a clearer mental image, this helps us not only with the information you give itself, but also seeing how much you know, how detailed our answers have to be.

A long dialog of “Okay, now do ls ….” – “Now cd ….” – “What does ps aux | grep … say?” micro steps with one or both parties being occasionally offline is kind of exhausting for all involved.

Excellent work! Thank you for sharing!