Shelley Testnet: Your weekly rollout rollup. Week 17: W/E 18th October 2019

Week 17: W/E 18th October 2019


Each week, this is where we’ll share a high-level summary of key achievements and what’s been going on in the program. Remember, for the very latest technical updates you can follow all the commits and pull requests in the community GitHub.

If you are not already part of the conversation, you’ll find a hive of activity over at the stake pool Best Practice Telegram. With over 2,800 members and loads of engaged users, this is a great resource for anyone interested in contributing to the program. Continued thanks to everyone from the community, especially our amazing Ambassadors.

What’s Up
We’re a few months since the launch of the first Shelley testnet and a few weeks into Phase 2: the Networked Testnet, and we’d love to hear from all of you! We have a short survey that will only take a few minutes, and all of the information gathered will be kept anonymous. Your valuable feedback will help us make Shelley better for you and all the Cardano users to come! The survey will be open until this Sunday, October 20, 11:00PM GMT.

Head to the Shelley Testnet Feedback Survey

With all the community contributions and enthusiasm we’ve seen throughout the Shelley testnet rollout, we’re excited for what’s to come. As you may have seen or heard, the next phase is the Incentivized Testnet where we’ll be testing the Incentives model in a live setting where you can earn real rewards. There’s lots going on behind the scenes to get this ready including all the necessary information you will need to get involved so be sure to keep an eye out for this!

New Issues - 34
Closed Issues - 34
Issue Backlog - 31

Documentation & Content
The testnet website was updated with the new trusted peers to use. More work was done this week to improve navigation links within the content and point to specific articles created by the technical support desk. In addition, all remaining updates were made to the website to reflect the move to Zendesk for our official support process.

Installer Packages
Chocolatey package updated to 0.6.1
Snappy package updated to 0.6.1
Jormungandr-nix updated to 0.6.1

Community Content
Please note, these community resources are shared in good faith for you to use at your own discretion. You’ll always find ‘official’ documentation and instructions within IOHK & Cardano channels.

  • This community member has run his testnet node from a moving train…and now, he’s upped his game and tried it from a plane! Great to see such interesting activity going on out there from the Cardano community.
  • Cardano Ambassador Greg has created the first version of a tool for Python users to interact with Jormungandr. Check it out here.
  • Cardano Ambassador Priyank has created a Jormungandr monitor using Grafana (an open source metric analytics & visualization suite) and hosted it on a public VPS for community members to easily view stats about the testnet. If you’re interested in this, be sure to check out the Grafana Json file and template provided by the IOHK devs team here.

That’s it for now!

The Stakepool Testing team


There is a script I created on my gist, if somebody want to very easily deploy this grafana on macOS or on Linux (on x64_86 or arm),