Stake pool course YMAL file not found

Hi I’m following the lessons from the stake pool course and I encountered a issue while entering this exact line into putty. cardano-node run, if done successfully I would have gotten a long explanation on what I can do with this command(As shown in the video.) However im encountering InvalidYaml (Just (YamlException “Yaml file not found: configuration/cardano/mainnet-config.json”))

cardano-node: YAML exception:
Yaml file not found: configuration/cardano/mainnet-config.json

I don’t know where to go from here I have tried reinstalling the cardano node and I experience the same issue, it may be a simple issue however I am quite new to this type of thing. I am using putty to talk to my AWS. and I’m on lesson 1 “Get configuration files and run the node”

Try to edit the start script and add the full path for the file
also use host-addr

The issue may be because I downloaded the testnet instead of the mainnet and it could be that when downloading the testnet it doesnt provide you with the scripts to run the node?

I tried switching to my Linux computer and completely restarted the entire process of creating to node. I am stuck at the same issue.

Can u share the start up script?

Sure, forgive me if I provided the wrong script
cardano-node run
InvalidYaml (Just (YamlException “Yaml file not found: configuration/cardano/mainnet-config.json”))

cardano-node: YAML exception:
Yaml file not found: configuration/cardano/mainnet-config.json

I had tried ```
cardano-node run
–topology mainnet-topology.json
–database-path /db
–socket-path /db/node.socket
–port 3001
–config testnet-config.json

However the error:
Shutting down…

cardano-node: /db: createDirectory: permission denied (Permission denied)

And I dont know how to grant permission.

Testnet or mainnet? How do u want to start the node?

I want to start the node through testnet

Can u try journalct -e -f -u cardano-node

I tried:
journalct -e -f -u cardano-node
-bash: journalct: command not found
and the terminal gave me this response.
-bash: journalct: command not found

This also happened when I tried using apt-get instead of sudo yum in order to install the. But I discovered that only sudo yum worked binaries at the start of the stake pool course, however I am on linux so apt-get should be working if I am correct?

Try journalctl -e -f -u cardano.node

I omited the l

After entering that command, I have been left on
– Logs begin at Fri 2021-07-23 18:18:47 UTC. – for around 5 minutes now should I continue to wait?

Nope, I think u will need to adapt the start script with the all path to the files

go to the folder where the files are located and type pwd
use that path inside the start script

For example

–topology all_path_to_file/mainnet-topology.json

Where u donwloaded

okay ill let you know once I find that

What guide did u followed to install the node?

I followed the stake pool course

I followed the Stake pool course and I am on lesson 1 “Installing cardano-node”

I followed all of the steps however was presented with the current issue.

No, that is fine. You should do the course on testnet.