Start your node - YAML file not found - YAML exception *HELP setting up new pool using stake pool course


I’m Jimmy, and I’m finally diggin into the Cardano community I’m excited to be setting up a stake pool utilizing the stake pool course!

and I’m very rusty using Linux…

I’m getting a YAML exception trying “cardano-node run” at the “Get configuration files” section of the tutorial. The video doesn’t talk about this section and
it appears that I somehow loaded a “mainnet-config.json” file rather than the testnet-config.json.

The"Understanding your configuration files and how to use them:" as well as “Command Line Interface” are appearently updates to the written tutorial and are not covered in the video.

Do I need to make manual changes to any of those files?

I ran this (where the IP is my Google Cloud external IP address)

cardano-node run
–topology testnet-topology.json
–database-path db
–socket-path db/node.socket
–port 3001
–config testnet-config.json

I’ve obviously missed something…

I’ve attached a screenshot…

Thanks ahead!

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Try to add the full path for ur files when u are starting the node

cardano-node run
–topology path/to/topology.json
–database-path path/to/db
–socket-path path/to/db/node.socket
–host-addr x.x.x.x
–port PORT
–config path/to/config.json


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Hey Alex, I appreciate your help!

I’m still getting YAML exception…

Not like that … type pwd inside the folder wheree ur files are located and that path should be added

For example /opt/cardano-node/

Then u must add the all path to the script:

cardano-node run
–topology /opt/cardano-node/topology.json
–database-path /opt/cardano-node/db
–socket-path /opt/cardano-node/node.socket
–host-addr x.x.x.x
–port PORT
–config /opt/cardano-node/config.json

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ok, sorry I’m total nub.

I followed the tutorial to install these files into the relay folder. I have no idea where the database or socket paths need to be pointing…

so it would look like this:

cardano-node run
– topology relay/testnet-topology.json
– database- path relay/db
–socket-path /relay/node.socket
–port 3001
–config /relay/testnet-config.json

Well I still have no luck… The tutorial says to run the command from the relay folder.

I added the paths even tho they’re in the same folder.

cardano-node run
–topology relay/testnet-topology.json
–database-path relay/db
–socket-path relay/db/node.socket
–port 3001
–config testnet-config.json

I’m still confused…


One more attempt running command from the cardano-node folder… no luck.

Any ideas? Thanks!

go to your folder where u have the files and type pwd… and show me the output
I think you missed few steps, you will need to rename the files and moved them under relay folder.
then you will need to update the path,

Can u give me the link for configuration guide to take a look?

anyway… you should do this steps:

Starting the node and connecting it to the testnet requires 4 configuration files:

  • topology.json

  • BYRON genesis.json

  • SHELLEY genesis.json

  • config.json

In your home directory, create a new directory for the configuration files:


mkdir relay

cd relay

Now download the latest testnet configuration files:





To start the node, run the following command from inside the relay directory:

cardano-node run \

–topology testnet-topology.json \

–database-path db \

–socket-path db/node.socket \

–host-addr x.x.x.x \

–port 3001 \

–config testnet-config.json

The above command will create a db directory inside the relay directory

!!! Replace x.x.x.x with your public IP

Open a new terminal or ssh session

Create the environment variable CARDANO_NODE_SOCKET_PATH

export CARDANO_NODE_SOCKET_PATH=~/relay/db/node.socket

Check whether the node is syncing by fetching the current tip, a couple of times, slotNo should be increasing. --testnet-magic 1097911063 identifies the Shelley testnet

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so unfortunately I have followed 3 different tutorials that have different file structures and I confused at this point about what the correct directory should look like.

So I did my best to reveal my dir structure as you requested and have the screenshot below. Is there a link for the configuration guide I can send directly?

Anyway I will move on to the steps outlined above now…

Thanks for your help I REALLY appreciate it!

Is this where my files need to live??


where jimmy3d is my user name
grow-testnet is the VM instance on Google cloud

I have no problem starting completely over now that I have a solid direction (with stake pool course from the Cardano foundation and an active forum)… if necessary.

Ur files should be unde relay folder

What U need to do :

cd relay

Now download the latest testnet configuration files:





To start the node, run the following command from inside the relay directory:

cardano-node run \

–topology testnet-topology.json \

–database-path db \

–socket-path db/node.socket \

–host-addr x.x.x.x \ ur IP

–port 3001 \ ur port

–config testnet-config.json

So the technical dir is


reads jimmy3d@grow-testnet:~/relay$

a pwd entry at ~/relay$ reads:

Yes, here download the 4 files which I sent u above an try to start the node again

getting invalid argument ‘-topology’

Man, seriuosly?

Delete my comment with ur ip and ur port from script

right sorry. haven’t used linux in 20 years.

jimmy3d@grow-testnet:~/relay$ cardano-node run \

–topology relay/testnet-topology.json
–database-path db
–socket-path db/node.socket
Invalid argument `–topology’

Usage: cardano-node (run | [–help])
Start node of the Cardano blockchain.
jimmy3d@grow-testnet:~/relay$ –port 3002
–port: command not found
jimmy3d@grow-testnet:~/relay$ –config testnet-config.json

Still getting Invalid argument `–topology’

and how can i locate my port. the tutorial said to include 3000,3001, and 3002 on the Google VM

Alex-pwd reply 004

Go to relay folder and type ls and show me the outputs

Try to edit your script

Don’t copy paste directly in ur node

Paste it in notepad and edit it … the comands should start with double - (ex: - - topology …)

yeah, actually i noticed that and tried again entering everything manually.

Still getting Yaml file not found still…

jimmy3d@grow-testnet:~/relay$ cardano-node run \ --topology relay/testnet-topology.json \ --database-path db \ --socket-path db/node.socket \ --host-addr --port3000 --config testnet-config.json
Invalid argument ` --topology’

Usage: cardano-node (run | [–help])
Start node of the Cardano blockchain.