Last September, Cardano successfully launched its mainnet. Since then, the project has grown immensely: workstreams have progressed, community groups have sprouted all over the globe and exchanges have listed ADA. To celebrate the anniversary, we created a hashtag campaign where community members tweeted in from where they were in the world. #CardanoMainnetAnniversary
As you can see from our Cardano community world map, we have members located in many corners of the world from Papua New Guinea to Norway to Mexico! Thank you to everyone who participated in the hashtag!
There were also anniversary events held in China by community members and in Japan by Emurgo. In China, community members hosted an online event on the Cardano WeChat with over 10,000 members. And in Tokyo, Emurgo hosted a meetup to celebrate the anniversary with the Japanese community.
And watch this video montage from IOHK of all of the best moments of the project in the past year:
Finally, we want to send a big thank you to every one of the community members. We couldn’t be here without all of you. We are happy to say that the Cardano community has grown enormously. Check out this infographic that shows how much each of our channels have grown. (Data was taken on Friday, September 28 / click the thumbnail to see all the community statistics.)