This forum not mentioned in new cardano docs


There is a support section in the new cardano docs:

But this forum is not mentioned - any reason why?

Those docs are developed by IOG and hosted on its own Github account, while this forum was created & is administered by the Cardano Foundation. At this point there are substantial differences between these two companies in every sense of the word.

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So - belongs to Cardano Foundation
and under the same domain - belongs to a different organisation?
And where can we find documentations about Cardano project hosted by Cardano Foundation?

So here is a page from that repo:

but getting 404 if I would like to dive into one of the steps - since now those articles moved - to iohk docs…

I just would like to know who is supporting who in this forum - there are many questions coming from IOHK projects - like how to operate a stake pool - so that case those questions should be redirected to IOHK support channels? like in this case:


@admins any thoughts on this?
if this forum not an official support for IOHK project - like cardano-node then should we redirect questions to IOHK zendesk or iohk telegram channel?

I’m almost sure that was just forgotten. I recommend opening an issue on Issues · input-output-hk/cardano-documentation · GitHub

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