Transaction bug: something unexpected happened, please retry

i transferred my ada which was staked from a regular shelley wallet to a new ledger wallet and now the ada is stuck. i cannot delegate or send, it gives me this error: something unexpected happened, please retry.

what can i do?

Use another browser like chrome, brave; update the cardano app and ledger firmware… if still not working try to connect the ledger on and delegate from there till u will fix the yoroi issue

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chrome and the update did not work, it was going to work on adalite until the pool id did not match the ledger …weird.

It match but the pool has 2 ids


That’s right! Thx alot!

Are you still keeping your wallet’s recovery phrase?
If you are, you can restore the wallet in another software such as Yoroi (on mobile), Yoroi extention (on web browser), Daedalus (on PC, waste time, but secure). Dont use any any ledger, or adalite wallet.

My issue was Yoroi…

What is wrong with Ledger and Adalite