If someone could help me out, I would greatly appreciate it. My wife has ADA on her account that is all under her name, if she transfer that to my ADA wallet that is all under my name, would we lost it? Also, the transfer would be made from Voyager app where she has an account, to my Binance.US wallet.
Thank you!
should not be a problem… but try to transfer small amount (like 10 ADA) first to see if everything work fine and u are able to receive them.
I recomend to transfer ur ada out of exchanges to an official wallet like daedalus or yoroi and start staking for rewards.
If u need more infos feel free to ask
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Thank you so much for taking the time and responding my question. I just transferred a small amount and I believe it worked. Just need to wait a little now!
Yeah, I told u this because someone had issues when tried to transfer from bittrex to voyager… bittrex sent ADAs but he never received in voyager wallet
Better to send small amounts even u will pay a low fee