Trasnsfer ada from shelley trezor wallet to shelley standard wallet

Great idea…will do it now
Will let you know if it worked

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Hello @Alexd1985 ,
I understand that the snapshot will be on Mar 3, 2021 19:00 UTC.

You could check it here:

By the way, excellent support work you do! Thank you for supporting so many in the community. There are many who are grateful to you and that says a lot about you.


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@Napoles thank you for let us know!

@LuisPandix - see the dates bellow

  1. Exact date and time for balance snapshot.
    Mar 3, 2021 19:00 UTC
  2. When voting starts and ends?
    Mar 5, 2021 19:00 UTC / Mar 24, 2021 19:00 UTC

PS: thx for kindly words! I have more time with this pandemic situation :blush:


dam i think i missed the screen snap shot i thought it was tmrw also…what if I move my ADA now? I was hoping that the snap shot was of our entire balance in the ADA Daedalus Wallet? Does anyone know?

Hello… good day sir, I have my yoroi wallet created with trezor T and it only lets me recieve ada when I try to send ada it goes though the whole motion on the trezor but it gives me at the end errors to “something unexpected happened please retry” I have not delegated any cause it doesnt let me. always the same thing " somthing unexpected happened please retry " tried Adalite and everything perfectly. I see my funds but they are untouchable. 17100 ADA. My life’s savings. I truly believe in cardano…sold all other assets to go all in and now I feel I lost it. Please help.Yoroi support is non existant. I can tell you the hash trx. If you can help or get me with someone that could help. Thank for your time. "Treat everyone as you would like to be treated. :blush:

Connect the trezor on … do u see the right balance? If yes then u can use to perform transactions

No I see the transaction of me sending it to yoroi. I see my balance in yoroi.but I can’t move it I see both transactions out from adalite and in to yoroi.

Can u share one address from yoroi ?

Yes I made a standard yoroi next to my trezor Wallet but its the same process as sending anywhere else. When I it sends with treason. I wish I could just link them up so I can just do that …