Unable to get transaction hash and index of the UTXO


We are unable to get transaction hash and index of the UTXO to spend. Actually we are creating simple transaction and were using this link Create Simple Transaction | Cardano Developer Portal

but we are not getting transaction hash and index of the UTXO to create draft transaction.I am using below command. Please help us to resolve it and give me any suggestion to sort out it.

cardano-cli query utxo --address $(cat payment.addr) --mainnet


Really hard to tell from the information you give.

Do you get an error? Or just no UTxOs at the address you give cardano-cli? Is the address correct (what is in payment.addr)? Is the node fully synced?


I really appreciate with quick response. We are not getting any error while issuing above command. Yes Payment address i.e (payment.addr) is correct. Node is running and well synced.


Can you tell us the address? Have you looked at Cardanoscan if there really are UTxOs on that address?


Our address is addr1qxdewlw5v7qah4dx8yh40znqwn4e4jfsv040vur2sl9ej88qx4wzdc0zymqlnfqnc25qwuytqpntzqhx6d2g00pzauxqf2ckwt


That address never had any funds on it:

Then there can be no UTxOs. UTxOs are unspent transaction outputs, outputs of transactions that have sent something to this address and that have not been spent in further transactions up to now. If noone ever sent anything to an address, that address doesn’t have any UTxOs.

Whatever guide you are following, I’m sure that it says before that step that you should transfer something to the address you want to use.

Edit: Had a look at the guide. It really doesn’t say it, but it probably should: Before you can use that address, there have to be funds on it.

Also: It later uses build-raw, where build would be simpler: No protocol.json download, no manual calculation of fees, just one step before the signing.

Please do not learn or experiment on mainnet :scream:

Tutorials, guides, development, or quite literally anything other than launching a previously tested release of a finished project should be done on testnet!

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Thanks for clarify but I am using this articles Create Simple Transaction | Cardano Developer Portal there no one mentioned before creating draft transaction, We need to transfer fund into this address.


No offense to whoever maintains that “developer portal” but I have not found a single thing that actually works as documented there so I deleted it from my bookmarks entirely and have been scouring GitHub as the need arises.

Source code IS source of truth!

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