Updated a relay to 1.23.0. Getting EKGView error. Any workaround or is this a bug?

btw my node is still starting with this error

[cardano.#ekgview.realizeFrom:Error:5] [2021-02-02 10:22:57.07 UTC] EKGView backend disabled due to initialisation error: EKGServerStartupError “Network.Socket.bind: resource busy (Address already in use)”

under the mainnet-config.json it still runs;
“hasEKG”: 12788,
“hasPrometheus”: [
not sure if this correct, any help?

Also my node is finally synced up to 5,170,900 Blocks even after quitting on itself constantly

try to start the node with host address and check if u are getting the same error

yes I get the same error

can u put the output with the logs after u start the node?

[cardano.#ekgview.realizeFrom:Error:5] [2021-02-02 10:22:57.07 UTC] EKGView backend disabled due to initialisation error: EKGServerStartupError “Network.Socket.bind: resource busy (Address already in use)”
[relay-1:cardano.node.networkMagic:Notice:5] [2021-02-02 10:22:57.07 UTC] NetworkMagic 764824073
[relay-1:cardano.node.basicInfo.protocol:Notice:5] [2021-02-02 10:22:57.07 UTC] Byron; Shelley
[relay-1:cardano.node.basicInfo.version:Notice:5] [2021-02-02 10:22:57.07 UTC] 1.24.2
[relay-1:cardano.node.basicInfo.commit:Notice:5] [2021-02-02 10:22:57.07 UTC] 400d18092ce604352cf36fe5f105b0d7c78be074
[relay-1:cardano.node.basicInfo.nodeStartTime:Notice:5] [2021-02-02 10:22:57.07 UTC] 2021-02-02 10:22:57.072728527 UTC
[relay-1:cardano.node.basicInfo.systemStartTime:Notice:5] [2021-02-02 10:22:57.07 UTC] 2017-09-23 21:44:51 UTC
[relay-1:cardano.node.basicInfo.slotLengthByron:Notice:5] [2021-02-02 10:22:57.07 UTC] 20s
[relay-1:cardano.node.basicInfo.epochLengthByron:Notice:5] [2021-02-02 10:22:57.07 UTC] 21600
[relay-1:cardano.node.basicInfo.slotLengthShelley:Notice:5] [2021-02-02 10:22:57.07 UTC] 1s
[relay-1:cardano.node.basicInfo.epochLengthShelley:Notice:5] [2021-02-02 10:22:57.07 UTC] 432000
[relay-1:cardano.node.basicInfo.slotsPerKESPeriodShelley:Notice:5] [2021-02-02 10:22:57.07 UTC] 129600
[relay-1:cardano.node.basicInfo.slotLengthAllegra:Notice:5] [2021-02-02 10:22:57.07 UTC] 1s
[relay-1:cardano.node.basicInfo.epochLengthAllegra:Notice:5] [2021-02-02 10:22:57.07 UTC] 432000
[relay-1:cardano.node.basicInfo.slotsPerKESPeriodAllegra:Notice:5] [2021-02-02 10:22:57.07 UTC] 129600
[relay-1:cardano.node.basicInfo.slotLengthMary:Notice:5] [2021-02-02 10:22:57.07 UTC] 1s
[relay-1:cardano.node.basicInfo.epochLengthMary:Notice:5] [2021-02-02 10:22:57.07 UTC] 432000
[relay-1:cardano.node.basicInfo.slotsPerKESPeriodMary:Notice:5] [2021-02-02 10:22:57.07 UTC] 129600
[relay-1:cardano.node.addresses:Notice:5] [2021-02-02 10:22:57.67 UTC] [SocketInfo]
[relay-1:cardano.node.diffusion-mode:Notice:5] [2021-02-02 10:22:57.67 UTC] InitiatorAndResponderDiffusionMode
[relay-1:cardano.node.dns-producers:Notice:5] [2021-02-02 10:22:57.67 UTC] [DnsSubscriptionTarget {dstDomain = “relays-new.cardano-mainnet.iohk.io”, dstPort = 3001, dstValency = 2},DnsSubscriptionTarget {dstDomain = “relay.zenithpool.io”, dstPort = 31400, dstValency = 1},DnsSubscriptionTarget {dstDomain = “relay2.cryptobounty.org”, dstPort = 8082, dstValency = 1},DnsSubscriptionTarget {dstDomain = “relay-2.teqwyse.com”, dstPort = 3000, dstValency = 1},DnsSubscriptionTarget {dstDomain = “cardano-mainnet-relays.eastus2.cloudapp.azure.com”, dstPort = 3013, dstValency = 1},DnsSubscriptionTarget {dstDomain = “relay.zenithpool.io”, dstPort = 31400, dstValency = 1},DnsSubscriptionTarget {dstDomain = “node1.stakelove.com”, dstPort = 6000, dstValency = 1},DnsSubscriptionTarget {dstDomain = “relay2.bluecheesestakehouse.com”, dstPort = 5002, dstValency = 1},DnsSubscriptionTarget {dstDomain = “kaya.relay.staking.outofbits.com”, dstPort = 3333, dstValency = 1},DnsSubscriptionTarget {dstDomain = “usa.consensusmonky.de”, dstPort = 6015, dstValency = 1},DnsSubscriptionTarget {dstDomain = “eu-relay.hermes-stakepool.com”, dstPort = 1000, dstValency = 1},DnsSubscriptionTarget {dstDomain = “relay2.wastaking.xyz”, dstPort = 6000, dstValency = 1},DnsSubscriptionTarget {dstDomain = “usa-relay.cardanistas.io”, dstPort = 8082, dstValency = 1},DnsSubscriptionTarget {dstDomain = “relay03.stakepoolcentral.com”, dstPort = 17654, dstValency = 1},DnsSubscriptionTarget {dstDomain = “ACLrelay1.cardanoland.com”, dstPort = 6000, dstValency = 1},DnsSubscriptionTarget {dstDomain = “relay1.capitalstakepool.info”, dstPort = 9997, dstValency = 1},DnsSubscriptionTarget {dstDomain = “ap.stakecool.io”, dstPort = 4002, dstValency = 1},DnsSubscriptionTarget {dstDomain = “LANDrelay1.cardanoland.com”, dstPort = 6000, dstValency = 1}]
[relay-1:cardano.node.ip-producers:Notice:5] [2021-02-02 10:22:57.67 UTC] IPSubscriptionTarget {ispIps = , ispValency = 0}
[relay-1:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2021-02-02 10:26:16.21 UTC] Opened imm db with immutable tip at e5415424bd76ad1d96bf97ee1507f8f07e5fd3ac5ae4605eb71ec55cce4da071 at slot 18231717 and chunk 844
[relay-1:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2021-02-02 10:26:16.98 UTC] Opened vol db
[relay-1:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2021-02-02 10:26:23.13 UTC] Replaying ledger from snapshot DiskSnapshot {dsNumber = 18055641, dsSuffix = Nothing} at 33098133dc3c2236f4f0cb48b7abe17a23aaa95729c113004934ecb0f649c795 at slot 18055641
[relay-1:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2021-02-02 10:26:23.14 UTC] Replayed block: slot SlotNo 18055648 of At (SlotNo 18231717)
[relay-1:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2021-02-02 10:26:23.19 UTC] before next, messages elided = 18055669
[relay-1:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2021-02-02 10:26:23.19 UTC] Replayed block: slot SlotNo 18057550 of At (SlotNo 18231717)
[relay-1:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2021-02-02 10:26:23.19 UTC] Replayed block: slot SlotNo 18057580 of At (SlotNo 18231717)
[relay-1:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2021-02-02 10:26:53.27 UTC] block replay progress (%) = 99.1
[relay-1:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2021-02-02 10:26:53.29 UTC] block replay progress (%) = 99.1
[relay-1:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2021-02-02 10:26:53.31 UTC] block replay progress (%) = 99.1
[relay-1:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2021-02-02 10:26:53.33 UTC] block replay progress (%) = 99.1
[relay-1:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2021-02-02 10:26:53.35 UTC] block replay progress (%) = 99.1
[relay-1:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2021-02-02 10:26:53.37 UTC] block replay progress (%) = 99.1
[relay-1:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2021-02-02 10:26:53.39 UTC] block replay progress (%) = 99.1
[relay-1:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2021-02-02 10:26:53.40 UTC] block replay progress (%) = 99.1
[relay-1:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2021-02-02 10:26:53.42 UTC] block replay progress (%) = 99.1
[relay-1:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2021-02-02 10:26:53.45 UTC] block replay progress (%) = 99.1
[relay-1:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2021-02-02 10:26:53.47 UTC] block replay progress (%) = 99.1
[relay-1:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2021-02-02 10:26:53.48 UTC] block replay progress (%) = 99.1
[relay-1:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2021-02-02 10:26:53.50 UTC] block replay progress (%) = 99.1
[relay-1:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2021-02-02 10:26:53.52 UTC] block replay progress (%) = 99.1
[relay-1:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2021-02-02 10:26:53.54 UTC] block replay progress (%) = 99.1
[relay-1:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2021-02-02 10:26:53.56 UTC] block replay progress (%) = 99.1
[relay-1:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2021-02-02 10:26:53.57 UTC] block replay progress (%) = 99.1
[relay-1:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2021-02-02 10:26:53.59 UTC] block replay progress (%) = 99.1
[relay-1:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2021-02-02 10:26:53.61 UTC] block replay progress (%) = 99.1
[relay-1:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2021-02-02 10:26:53.63 UTC] block replay progress (%) = 99.2
[relay-1:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2021-02-02 10:26:53.64 UTC] block replay progress (%) = 99.2
[relay-1:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2021-02-02 10:26:53.65 UTC] before next, messages elided = 18057611
[relay-1:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2021-02-02 10:26:53.65 UTC] Replayed block: slot SlotNo 18079175 of At (SlotNo 18231717)
[relay-1:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2021-02-02 10:26:53.65 UTC] Replayed block: slot SlotNo 18079191 of At (SlotNo 18231717)

###Then it gets rolling until something like this happens;

relay-1:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2021-02-02 10:26:57.41 UTC] Opened lgr db
[relay-1:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2021-02-02 10:27:02.92 UTC] Opened db with immutable tip at e5415424bd76ad1d96bf97ee1507f8f07e5fd3ac5ae4605eb71ec55cce4da071 at slot 18231717 and tip aa8342f285a9515d018ad9cfc9e94279d993908942cc06bd7b2d35447dfe8609 at slot 18274237
[relay-1:cardano.node.DnsSubscription:Notice:365] [2021-02-02 10:27:02.94 UTC] [String “Connection Attempt Start, destination”,String “SubscriptionTrace”,String ““relays-new.cardano-mainnet.iohk.io””]
[relay-1:cardano.node.DnsSubscription:Notice:366] [2021-02-02 10:27:02.95 UTC] [String “Connection Attempt Start, destination”,String “SubscriptionTrace”,String ““node1.stakelove.com””]
[relay-1:cardano.node.DnsSubscription:Notice:368] [2021-02-02 10:27:02.96 UTC] [String “Connection Attempt Start, destination”,String “SubscriptionTrace”,String ““eu-relay.hermes-stakepool.com””]
[relay-1:cardano.node.DnsSubscription:Notice:369] [2021-02-02 10:27:02.96 UTC] [String “Connection Attempt Start, destination”,String “SubscriptionTrace”,String ““relay-2.teqwyse.com””]
[relay-1:cardano.node.DnsSubscription:Notice:370] [2021-02-02 10:27:02.96 UTC] [String “Connection Attempt Start, destination”,String “SubscriptionTrace”,String ““LANDrelay1.cardanoland.com””]

###It does this with all the relays in my topology, then errors start popping up.

[relay-1:cardano.node.DnsSubscription:Error:369] [2021-02-02 10:27:30.16 UTC] [String “Application Exception: ExceededTimeLimit (ChainSync (Header (HardForkBlock (’: * ByronBlock (’: * (ShelleyBlock (ShelleyEra StandardCrypto)) (’: * (ShelleyBlock (ShelleyMAEra ‘Allegra StandardCrypto)) (’: * (ShelleyBlock (ShelleyMAEra ‘Mary StandardCrypto)) (’ *))))))) (Tip HardForkBlock (’: * ByronBlock (’: * (ShelleyBlock (ShelleyEra StandardCrypto)) (’: * (ShelleyBlock (ShelleyMAEra ‘Allegra StandardCrypto)) (’: * (ShelleyBlock (ShelleyMAEra ‘Mary StandardCrypto)) (’ *))))))) (ServerAgency TokNext TokCanAwait)”,String “SubscriptionTrace”,String ““relay-2.teqwyse.com””]
[relay-1:cardano.node.ErrorPolicy:Notice:293] [2021-02-02 10:27:30.17 UTC] [String “ErrorPolicySuspendConsumer (Just (ApplicationExceptionTrace ExceededTimeLimit (ChainSync (Header (HardForkBlock (’: * ByronBlock (’: * (ShelleyBlock (ShelleyEra StandardCrypto)) (’: * (ShelleyBlock (ShelleyMAEra ‘Allegra StandardCrypto)) (’: * (ShelleyBlock (ShelleyMAEra ‘Mary StandardCrypto)) (’ *))))))) (Tip HardForkBlock (’: * ByronBlock (’: * (ShelleyBlock (ShelleyEra StandardCrypto)) (’: * (ShelleyBlock (ShelleyMAEra ‘Allegra StandardCrypto)) (’: * (ShelleyBlock (ShelleyMAEra ‘Mary StandardCrypto)) (’ *))))))) (ServerAgency TokNext TokCanAwait))) 20s”,String “ErrorPolicyTrace”,String “”]

###It will tend to repeat the process until it either says ‘killed’ or in this case;

[relay-1:cardano.node.DnsSubscription:Warning:298] [2021-02-02 11:09:38.50 UTC] [String “Failed to start all required subscriptions”,String “SubscriptionTrace”,String ““node1.stakelove.com””]

what version are u running?

cardano-cli 1.24.2 … do I need to upgrade?

not necessary right now, but you can install it, perhaps the new install will work smoothly

Thanks this has solved my problem. Details are spo - How to resume DB sync for Preview Testnet - Cardano Stack Exchange